This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package com.xkrs.controller;
import com.xkrs.common.encapsulation.PromptMessageEnum;
import com.xkrs.dao.FirePointOrdinaryDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.FirePointPreciseDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.StreetDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.SysUserDao;
import com.xkrs.helper.FirePointSubscribeManager;
@ -36,8 +35,6 @@ public class DispatchFirePointController {
private FirePointOrdinaryDao firePointOrdinaryDao;
private FirePointPreciseDao firePointPreciseDao;
private StreetDao streetDao;
private final Locale locale = LocaleContextHolder.getLocale();
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
package com.xkrs.dao;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointPreciseEntity;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaSpecificationExecutor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public interface FirePointPreciseDao extends JpaRepository<FirePointPreciseEntity, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<FirePointPreciseEntity> {
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@ package com.xkrs.helper;
import com.xkrs.dao.CountyCodeWeiXinDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.SysUserDao;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.CountyCodeWeiXinEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointPreciseEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointOrdinaryEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.SysUserEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.helper.PushHelper;
import com.xkrs.model.vo.AllFirePointVo;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.FirePointCodeUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.FirePointConvertUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.SMSUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.WeiXinMessageUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
@ -38,11 +36,7 @@ public class FirePointPushManager {
//// pushNotification(FirePointConvertUtils.convert(firePointOrdinaryEntity), false);
// }
public void pushNotification(FirePointPreciseEntity firePointPreciseEntity) {
private void pushNotification(AllFirePointVo firePoint) {
private void pushNotification(FirePointOrdinaryEntity firePoint) {
@ -93,7 +87,7 @@ public class FirePointPushManager {
* 发送微信消息
private void sendWeChatGroupMessage(AllFirePointVo firePoint) {
private void sendWeChatGroupMessage(FirePointOrdinaryEntity firePoint) {
List<CountyCodeWeiXinEntity> countyCodeWeiXinList = countyCodeWeiXinDao.findAll();
if (countyCodeWeiXinList.isEmpty()) {
@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
package com.xkrs.helper;
import com.xkrs.dao.FirePointOrdinaryDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.FirePointPreciseDao;
import com.xkrs.model.bean.FirePointQueryResultBean;
import com.xkrs.model.bean.VipTimeRangeBean;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointOrdinaryEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointPreciseEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.SysUserEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.vo.AllFirePointVo;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.DateTimeUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.FirePointCodeUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.FirePointConvertUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.JsonUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsold.DateTimeUtil;
import org.apache.hc.core5.util.TextUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@ -25,9 +18,7 @@ import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class FirePointQueryManager {
@ -37,9 +28,6 @@ public class FirePointQueryManager {
private FirePointOrdinaryDao firePointOrdinaryDao;
private FirePointPreciseDao firePointPreciseDao;
* 查询火点播报(无token)
@ -48,89 +36,15 @@ public class FirePointQueryManager {
public FirePointQueryResultBean queryFirePointBroadcast(Integer limit) {
int size = (limit != null && limit > 0) ? limit : 10;
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(1, size, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, "satelliteTime"));
List<FirePointPreciseEntity> firePointList = firePointPreciseDao.findAll(pageRequest).getContent();
List<AllFirePointVo> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
for (FirePointPreciseEntity firePoint : firePointList) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean(true, "", resultList, resultList.size());
List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> firePointList = firePointOrdinaryDao.findAll(pageRequest).getContent();
return new FirePointQueryResultBean(true, "", firePointList, firePointList.size());
public FirePointQueryResultBean queryFirePointBelongToUser(SysUserEntity sysUserEntity, String userSubAreaCountyCode, String startTime, String endTime, String satelliteType, String landType) {
String countyCode = ("管理员".equals(sysUserEntity.getAccountType())) ? null : sysUserEntity.getCountyCode();
String vipTimeRangeJson = sysUserEntity.getVipTimeRangeJson();
return queryFirePointBelongToUser(countyCode, vipTimeRangeJson, userSubAreaCountyCode, startTime, endTime, satelliteType, landType);
public FirePointQueryResultBean queryFirePointBelongToUser(String userCode, String vipTimeRangeJson, String userSubAreaCountyCode, String startTime, String endTime, String satelliteType, String landType) {
String noRedundantUserCode = ("管理员".equals(sysUserEntity.getAccountType())) ? null : FirePointCodeUtils.getFormatCutCode(sysUserEntity.getCountyCode());
String userSubAreaCutCountyCode = (TextUtils.isEmpty(userSubAreaCountyCode)) ? null : FirePointCodeUtils.getFormatCutCode(userSubAreaCountyCode);
String noRedundantUserCode = null;
String userSubAreaCutCountyCode = null;
final List<VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean> mVipTimeRangeItemList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
noRedundantUserCode = (TextUtils.isEmpty(userCode)) ? null : FirePointCodeUtils.getFormatCutCode(userCode);
userSubAreaCutCountyCode = (TextUtils.isEmpty(userSubAreaCountyCode)) ? null : FirePointCodeUtils.getFormatCutCode(userSubAreaCountyCode);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(vipTimeRangeJson)) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VipTimeRangeJson Error 1, vipTimeRangeJson = " + vipTimeRangeJson);
VipTimeRangeBean vipTimeRangeBean = JsonUtils.deserialize(vipTimeRangeJson, VipTimeRangeBean.class);
if (vipTimeRangeBean == null || vipTimeRangeBean.getList() == null || vipTimeRangeBean.getList().size() == 0) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VipTimeRangeJson Error 2, 已保存的VIP时间范围反序列化失败, vipTimeRangeJson = " + vipTimeRangeJson);
//得到由<开始时间 + 结束时间>组成的集合
List<VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean> vipTimeRangeItemList = vipTimeRangeBean.getList();
for (VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean vipTimeRangeItemA : vipTimeRangeItemList) {
if (!DateTimeUtil.isValidDateTime(vipTimeRangeItemA.getStartTime())) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VIP 开始时间格式不合法1, StartTime = " + vipTimeRangeItemA.getStartTime());
if (!DateTimeUtil.isValidDateTime(vipTimeRangeItemA.getEndTime())) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VIP 结束时间格式不合法2, EndTime = " + vipTimeRangeItemA.getEndTime());
LocalDateTime userStartLocalDateTimeA = LocalDateTime.parse(vipTimeRangeItemA.getStartTime(), DateTimeUtils.DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_1);
LocalDateTime userEndLocalDateTimeA = LocalDateTime.parse(vipTimeRangeItemA.getEndTime(), DateTimeUtils.DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_1);
for (VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean vipTimeRangeItemB : vipTimeRangeItemList) {
if (vipTimeRangeItemA != vipTimeRangeItemB) {
if (!DateTimeUtil.isValidDateTime(vipTimeRangeItemB.getStartTime())) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VIP 开始时间格式不合法3, StartTime = " + vipTimeRangeItemB.getStartTime());
if (!DateTimeUtil.isValidDateTime(vipTimeRangeItemB.getEndTime())) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VIP 结束时间格式不合法4, EndTime = " + vipTimeRangeItemB.getEndTime());
LocalDateTime userStartLocalDateTimeB = LocalDateTime.parse(vipTimeRangeItemB.getStartTime(), DateTimeUtils.DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_1);
LocalDateTime userEndLocalDateTimeB = LocalDateTime.parse(vipTimeRangeItemB.getEndTime(), DateTimeUtils.DATE_TIME_FORMATTER_1);
if (userStartLocalDateTimeB.isBefore(userStartLocalDateTimeA) && userEndLocalDateTimeB.isAfter(userStartLocalDateTimeA)) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VIP 开始结束时间格式不合法5, 存在交叉现象");
if (userStartLocalDateTimeB.isBefore(userEndLocalDateTimeA) && userEndLocalDateTimeB.isAfter(userEndLocalDateTimeA)) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VIP 开始结束时间格式不合法6, 存在交叉现象");
} catch (Exception e) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean(e.getMessage());
return queryFirePointBelongToUser(noRedundantUserCode, mVipTimeRangeItemList, userSubAreaCutCountyCode, startTime, endTime, satelliteType, landType);
public FirePointQueryResultBean queryFirePointBelongToUser(String noRedundantUserCode, List<VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean> vipTimeRangeItemList, String userSubAreaCutCountyCode, String startTime, String endTime, String satelliteType, String landType) {
if (vipTimeRangeItemList == null || vipTimeRangeItemList.size() == 0) {
return new FirePointQueryResultBean("User VipTimeRangeJson Error 2, 已保存的VIP时间范围出现错误");
Specification<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> specificationOrdinary = (root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder) -> {
List<Predicate> predicateList = new ArrayList<>();
@ -171,155 +85,11 @@ public class FirePointQueryManager {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(landType)) {
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("landType").as(String.class), landType));
for (VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean vipTimeRangeItem : vipTimeRangeItemList) {
String userStartTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getStartTime();
String userEndTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getEndTime();
Predicate beforeStartTimePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThan(root.get("satelliteTime").as(String.class), userStartTime);
Predicate afterEndTimePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThan(root.get("satelliteTime").as(String.class), userEndTime);
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.or(beforeStartTimePredicate, afterEndTimePredicate));
return criteriaBuilder.and(predicateList.toArray(new Predicate[predicateList.size()]));
List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> firePointOrdinaryList = firePointOrdinaryDao.findAll(specificationOrdinary, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, "satelliteTime"));
Specification<FirePointPreciseEntity> specificationPrecise = (root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder) -> {
List<Predicate> predicateList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(noRedundantUserCode)) {
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.like(root.get("townCode").as(String.class), noRedundantUserCode + "%"));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(userSubAreaCutCountyCode)) {
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.like(root.get("townCode").as(String.class), userSubAreaCutCountyCode + "%"));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(startTime)) {
LocalDateTime startTime1 = DateTimeUtils.stringToLocalDateTime(startTime);
LocalDateTime startTime2 = LocalDateTime.of(startTime1.getYear(), startTime1.getMonth(), startTime1.getDayOfMonth(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
String startTimeString = DateTimeUtils.localDateTimeToString(startTime2);
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get("satelliteTime").as(String.class), startTimeString));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(endTime)) {
LocalDateTime endTime1 = DateTimeUtils.stringToLocalDateTime(endTime).plusDays(1);
LocalDateTime endTime2 = LocalDateTime.of(endTime1.getYear(), endTime1.getMonth(), endTime1.getDayOfMonth(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
String endTimeString = DateTimeUtils.localDateTimeToString(endTime2);
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get("satelliteTime").as(String.class), endTimeString));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(satelliteType)) {
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("satelliteType").as(String.class), satelliteType));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(landType)) {
predicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("landType").as(String.class), landType));
List<Predicate> subPredicateList = new ArrayList<>();
for (VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean vipTimeRangeItem : vipTimeRangeItemList) {
String userStartTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getStartTime();
String userEndTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getEndTime();
Predicate beforeStartTimePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(root.get("satelliteTime").as(String.class), userStartTime);
Predicate afterEndTimePredicate = criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get("satelliteTime").as(String.class), userEndTime);
subPredicateList.add(criteriaBuilder.and(beforeStartTimePredicate, afterEndTimePredicate));
if (subPredicateList.size() == 0) {
} else if (subPredicateList.size() == 1) {
} else {
Predicate orPredicate = null;
for (int i = 1; i < subPredicateList.size(); i++) {
if (i == 1) {
orPredicate = criteriaBuilder.or(subPredicateList.get(0), subPredicateList.get(1));
} else {
orPredicate = criteriaBuilder.or(orPredicate, subPredicateList.get(i));
return criteriaBuilder.and(predicateList.toArray(new Predicate[predicateList.size()]));
List<FirePointPreciseEntity> firePointPreciseList = firePointPreciseDao.findAll(specificationPrecise, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, "satelliteTime"));
List<AllFirePointVo> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
for (FirePointOrdinaryEntity firePointOrdinaryEntity : firePointOrdinaryList) {
for (FirePointPreciseEntity firePointPreciseEntity : firePointPreciseList) {
List<AllFirePointVo> sortedResultList = resultList.stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(AllFirePointVo::getSatelliteTime)).collect(Collectors.toList());
return new FirePointQueryResultBean(true, "", sortedResultList, sortedResultList.size());
// {
// final String commonSql = "SELECT t.id AS id, t.fire_code AS fireCode, t.county_code AS countyCode, t.county_name AS countyName, t.satellite_time AS satelliteTime, t.longitude AS longitude, t.latitude AS latitude, t.satellite_type AS satelliteType, t.land_type AS landType, t.confidence AS confidence, t.fire_image AS fireImage, t.satellite_image AS satelliteImage, t.town_code AS townCode, t.town_name AS townName, t.add_time AS addTime, t.fire_point_address AS firePointAddress, t.remark AS remark";
// StringBuilder ordinaryBuilder = new StringBuilder(commonSql);
// ordinaryBuilder.append(" FROM fire_point_ordinary AS t");
// ordinaryBuilder.append(" WHERE (t.town_code LIKE '" + mNoRedundantUserCode + "%')");
// ordinaryBuilder.append(" AND (");
// for (int i = 0; i < mVipTimeRangeItemList.size(); i++) {
// VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean vipTimeRangeItem = mVipTimeRangeItemList.get(i);
// String userStartTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getStartTime();
// String userEndTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getEndTime();
// //早于(不包含)VIP开始时间,或者晚于(不包含)VIP结束时间
// if (i > 0) {
// ordinaryBuilder.append(" AND ");
// }
// ordinaryBuilder.append("(t.satellite_time<'" + userStartTime + "' OR t.satellite_time>'" + userEndTime + "')");
// }
// ordinaryBuilder.append(")");
// ordinaryBuilder.append(" ORDER BY t.satellite_time DESC");
// String ordinarySql = ordinaryBuilder.toString();
// log.info(sysUserEntity.getCountyName() + ":ordinarySql:" + ordinarySql);
// List<AllFirePointVo> voList1 = firePointOrdinaryDao.customQuery(ordinarySql);
// StringBuilder preciseBuilder = new StringBuilder(commonSql);
// preciseBuilder.append(" FROM fire_point_precise AS t");
// preciseBuilder.append(" WHERE (t.town_code LIKE '" + mNoRedundantUserCode + "%')");
// preciseBuilder.append(" AND (");
// for (int i = 0; i < mVipTimeRangeItemList.size(); i++) {
// VipTimeRangeBean.VipTimeRangeItemBean vipTimeRangeItem = mVipTimeRangeItemList.get(i);
// String userStartTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getStartTime();
// String userEndTime = vipTimeRangeItem.getEndTime();
// //晚于(包含)VIP开始时间,并且早于(包含)VIP结束时间
// if (i > 0) {
// preciseBuilder.append(" OR ");
// }
// preciseBuilder.append("(t.satellite_time>='" + userStartTime + "' AND t.satellite_time<='" + userEndTime + "')");
// }
// preciseBuilder.append(")");
// preciseBuilder.append(" ORDER BY t.satellite_time DESC");
// String preciseSql = preciseBuilder.toString();
// log.info(sysUserEntity.getCountyName() + ":preciseSql:" + preciseSql);
// List<AllFirePointVo> voList2 = firePointPreciseDao.customQuery(preciseSql);
// //将两种数据来源的火点合并到一起
// List<AllFirePointVo> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
// resultList.addAll(voList1);
// resultList.addAll(voList2);
// //对合并后的结果进行排序
// resultList.sort(Comparator.comparing(AllFirePointVo::getSatelliteTime));
// return new FirePointQueryResultBean(true, "", resultList);
// }
List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> firePointList = firePointOrdinaryDao.findAll(specificationOrdinary, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, "satelliteTime"));
return new FirePointQueryResultBean(true, "", firePointList, firePointList.size());
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.xkrs.model.bean;
import com.xkrs.model.vo.AllFirePointVo;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointOrdinaryEntity;
import java.util.List;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public class FirePointQueryResultBean {
private String errorMessage = null;
private List<AllFirePointVo> list = null;
private List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> list = null;
private long count = 0L;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class FirePointQueryResultBean {
this.count = 0L;
public FirePointQueryResultBean(boolean success, String errorMessage, List<AllFirePointVo> list, long count) {
public FirePointQueryResultBean(boolean success, String errorMessage, List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> list, long count) {
this.success = success;
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
this.list = list;
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ public class FirePointQueryResultBean {
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
public List<AllFirePointVo> getList() {
public List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> getList() {
return list;
public void setList(List<AllFirePointVo> list) {
public void setList(List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> list) {
this.list = list;
@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
package com.xkrs.model.entity;
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.io.Serializable;
* 审核通过的精准火点
@Table(name = "fire_point_precise")
public class FirePointPreciseEntity implements Serializable {
* 指定主键,建立自增序列,主键值取自序列
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "fire_point_precise_seq_gen")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "fire_point_precise_seq_gen", sequenceName = "fire_point_precise_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
private Long id;
* 火点编码
@Column(length = 64, unique = true, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String fireCode;
* 火点状态
* 0:真火点
* 1或null:伪火点
@Column(length = 32, columnDefinition = "varchar(32)")
private String fireStatus;
* 卫星监测的时间
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String satelliteTime;
* 经度
private Double longitude;
* 纬度
private Double latitude;
* 卫星类型
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String satelliteType;
* 植被类型
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String landType;
* 置信度
@Column(length = 32, columnDefinition = "varchar(32)")
private String confidence;
* 当前火点的图片
@Column(length = 512, columnDefinition = "varchar(512)")
private String fireImage;
* 卫星影像图片
@Column(length = 512, columnDefinition = "varchar(512)")
private String satelliteImage;
* 添加的时间
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String addTime;
* 详细地址
@Column(length = 255, columnDefinition = "varchar(255)")
private String firePointAddress;
* 备注
@Column(length = 1024, columnDefinition = "varchar(1024)")
private String remark;
* 占位符
@Column(length = 1024, columnDefinition = "varchar(1024)")
private String placeHolder;
* 省的编码
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String proCode;
* 省的名称
@Column(length = 128, columnDefinition = "varchar(128)")
private String proName;
* 市的编码
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String cityCode;
* 市的名称
@Column(length = 128, columnDefinition = "varchar(128)")
private String cityName;
* 区县的编码
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String countyCode;
* 区县的名称
@Column(length = 128, columnDefinition = "varchar(128)")
private String countyName;
* 乡镇街道的编码
@Column(length = 64, columnDefinition = "varchar(64)")
private String townCode;
* 乡镇街道的名称
@Column(length = 128, columnDefinition = "varchar(128)")
private String townName;
public FirePointPreciseEntity() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public String getFireCode() {
return fireCode;
public void setFireCode(String fireCode) {
this.fireCode = fireCode;
public String getFireStatus() {
return fireStatus;
public void setFireStatus(String fireStatus) {
this.fireStatus = fireStatus;
public String getSatelliteTime() {
return satelliteTime;
public void setSatelliteTime(String satelliteTime) {
this.satelliteTime = satelliteTime;
public Double getLongitude() {
return longitude;
public void setLongitude(Double longitude) {
this.longitude = longitude;
public Double getLatitude() {
return latitude;
public void setLatitude(Double latitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
public String getSatelliteType() {
return satelliteType;
public void setSatelliteType(String satelliteType) {
this.satelliteType = satelliteType;
public String getLandType() {
return landType;
public void setLandType(String landType) {
this.landType = landType;
public String getConfidence() {
return confidence;
public void setConfidence(String confidence) {
this.confidence = confidence;
public String getFireImage() {
return fireImage;
public void setFireImage(String fireImage) {
this.fireImage = fireImage;
public String getSatelliteImage() {
return satelliteImage;
public void setSatelliteImage(String satelliteImage) {
this.satelliteImage = satelliteImage;
public String getAddTime() {
return addTime;
public void setAddTime(String addTime) {
this.addTime = addTime;
public String getFirePointAddress() {
return firePointAddress;
public void setFirePointAddress(String firePointAddress) {
this.firePointAddress = firePointAddress;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getPlaceHolder() {
return placeHolder;
public void setPlaceHolder(String placeHolder) {
this.placeHolder = placeHolder;
public String getProCode() {
return proCode;
public void setProCode(String proCode) {
this.proCode = proCode;
public String getProName() {
return proName;
public void setProName(String proName) {
this.proName = proName;
public String getCityCode() {
return cityCode;
public void setCityCode(String cityCode) {
this.cityCode = cityCode;
public String getCityName() {
return cityName;
public void setCityName(String cityName) {
this.cityName = cityName;
public String getCountyCode() {
return countyCode;
public void setCountyCode(String countyCode) {
this.countyCode = countyCode;
public String getCountyName() {
return countyName;
public void setCountyName(String countyName) {
this.countyName = countyName;
public String getTownCode() {
return townCode;
public void setTownCode(String townCode) {
this.townCode = townCode;
public String getTownName() {
return townName;
public void setTownName(String townName) {
this.townName = townName;
public String toString() {
return "FirePointPreciseEntity{" +
"id=" + id +
", fireCode='" + fireCode + '\'' +
", fireStatus='" + fireStatus + '\'' +
", satelliteTime='" + satelliteTime + '\'' +
", longitude=" + longitude +
", latitude=" + latitude +
", satelliteType='" + satelliteType + '\'' +
", landType='" + landType + '\'' +
", confidence='" + confidence + '\'' +
", fireImage='" + fireImage + '\'' +
", satelliteImage='" + satelliteImage + '\'' +
", addTime='" + addTime + '\'' +
", firePointAddress='" + firePointAddress + '\'' +
", remark='" + remark + '\'' +
", placeHolder='" + placeHolder + '\'' +
", proCode='" + proCode + '\'' +
", proName='" + proName + '\'' +
", cityCode='" + cityCode + '\'' +
", cityName='" + cityName + '\'' +
", countyCode='" + countyCode + '\'' +
", countyName='" + countyName + '\'' +
", townCode='" + townCode + '\'' +
", townName='" + townName + '\'' +
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import com.xiaomi.xmpush.server.Constants;
import com.xiaomi.xmpush.server.Message;
import com.xiaomi.xmpush.server.Result;
import com.xiaomi.xmpush.server.Sender;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointOrdinaryEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.SysUserEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.vo.AllFirePointVo;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class PushHelper {
* @param firePoint
* @throws Exception
public void dispatchPushMessage(List<String> userAccountList, AllFirePointVo firePoint) throws Exception {
public void dispatchPushMessage(List<String> userAccountList, FirePointOrdinaryEntity firePoint) throws Exception {
Sender sender = new Sender("f6N7nchoqOWj3YyZiQPH2w==");
String messagePayload = "This is a message";
@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
package com.xkrs.model.vo;
public class AllFirePointVo {
* 指定主键,建立自增序列,主键值取自序列
private Long id;
* 火点编码
private String fireCode;
* 火点状态
* 0:真火点
* 1或null:伪火点
private String fireStatus;
* 卫星监测的时间
private String satelliteTime;
* 经度
private Double longitude;
* 纬度
private Double latitude;
* 卫星类型
private String satelliteType;
* 植被类型
private String landType;
* 置信度
private String confidence;
* 当前火点的图片
private String fireImage;
* 卫星影像图片
private String satelliteImage;
* 添加的时间
private String addTime;
* 详细地址
private String firePointAddress;
* 备注
private String remark;
* 占位符
private String placeHolder;
* 省的编码
private String proCode;
* 省的名称
private String proName;
* 市的编码
private String cityCode;
* 市的名称
private String cityName;
* 区县的编码
private String countyCode;
* 区县的名称
private String countyName;
* 乡镇街道的编码
private String townCode;
* 乡镇街道的名称
private String townName;
public AllFirePointVo() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public String getFireCode() {
return fireCode;
public void setFireCode(String fireCode) {
this.fireCode = fireCode;
public String getFireStatus() {
return fireStatus;
public void setFireStatus(String fireStatus) {
this.fireStatus = fireStatus;
public String getSatelliteTime() {
return satelliteTime;
public void setSatelliteTime(String satelliteTime) {
this.satelliteTime = satelliteTime;
public Double getLongitude() {
return longitude;
public void setLongitude(Double longitude) {
this.longitude = longitude;
public Double getLatitude() {
return latitude;
public void setLatitude(Double latitude) {
this.latitude = latitude;
public String getSatelliteType() {
return satelliteType;
public void setSatelliteType(String satelliteType) {
this.satelliteType = satelliteType;
public String getLandType() {
return landType;
public void setLandType(String landType) {
this.landType = landType;
public String getConfidence() {
return confidence;
public void setConfidence(String confidence) {
this.confidence = confidence;
public String getFireImage() {
return fireImage;
public void setFireImage(String fireImage) {
this.fireImage = fireImage;
public String getSatelliteImage() {
return satelliteImage;
public void setSatelliteImage(String satelliteImage) {
this.satelliteImage = satelliteImage;
public String getAddTime() {
return addTime;
public void setAddTime(String addTime) {
this.addTime = addTime;
public String getFirePointAddress() {
return firePointAddress;
public void setFirePointAddress(String firePointAddress) {
this.firePointAddress = firePointAddress;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getPlaceHolder() {
return placeHolder;
public void setPlaceHolder(String placeHolder) {
this.placeHolder = placeHolder;
public String getProCode() {
return proCode;
public void setProCode(String proCode) {
this.proCode = proCode;
public String getProName() {
return proName;
public void setProName(String proName) {
this.proName = proName;
public String getCityCode() {
return cityCode;
public void setCityCode(String cityCode) {
this.cityCode = cityCode;
public String getCityName() {
return cityName;
public void setCityName(String cityName) {
this.cityName = cityName;
public String getCountyCode() {
return countyCode;
public void setCountyCode(String countyCode) {
this.countyCode = countyCode;
public String getCountyName() {
return countyName;
public void setCountyName(String countyName) {
this.countyName = countyName;
public String getTownCode() {
return townCode;
public void setTownCode(String townCode) {
this.townCode = townCode;
public String getTownName() {
return townName;
public void setTownName(String townName) {
this.townName = townName;
public String toString() {
return "AllFirePointVo{" +
"id=" + id +
", fireCode='" + fireCode + '\'' +
", fireStatus='" + fireStatus + '\'' +
", satelliteTime='" + satelliteTime + '\'' +
", longitude=" + longitude +
", latitude=" + latitude +
", satelliteType='" + satelliteType + '\'' +
", landType='" + landType + '\'' +
", confidence='" + confidence + '\'' +
", fireImage='" + fireImage + '\'' +
", satelliteImage='" + satelliteImage + '\'' +
", addTime='" + addTime + '\'' +
", firePointAddress='" + firePointAddress + '\'' +
", remark='" + remark + '\'' +
", placeHolder='" + placeHolder + '\'' +
", proCode='" + proCode + '\'' +
", proName='" + proName + '\'' +
", cityCode='" + cityCode + '\'' +
", cityName='" + cityName + '\'' +
", countyCode='" + countyCode + '\'' +
", countyName='" + countyName + '\'' +
", townCode='" + townCode + '\'' +
", townName='" + townName + '\'' +
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package com.xkrs.service.impl;
import com.xkrs.common.encapsulation.PromptMessageEnum;
import com.xkrs.dao.*;
import com.xkrs.dao.FirePointChannelConfigDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.FirePointOrdinaryDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.StreetDao;
import com.xkrs.dao.SysUserDao;
import com.xkrs.helper.FirePointPushManager;
import com.xkrs.helper.FirePointQueryManager;
import com.xkrs.helper.GeoCodeHelper;
@ -39,9 +42,6 @@ public class DispatchFirePointServiceImpl implements DispatchFirePointService {
private FirePointOrdinaryDao firePointOrdinaryDao;
private FirePointPreciseDao firePointPreciseDao;
private FirePointQueryManager firePointQueryManager;
@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ import com.xkrs.helper.FirePointQueryManager;
import com.xkrs.model.bean.FirePointQueryResultBean;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointOrdinaryEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.SysUserEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.vo.AllFirePointVo;
import com.xkrs.service.FirePointService;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.DateTimeUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.FirePointConvertUtils;
import com.xkrs.utilsnew.TokenUtil;
import org.apache.hc.core5.util.TextUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
@ -134,8 +132,7 @@ public class FirePointServiceImpl implements FirePointService {
List<FirePointOrdinaryEntity> firePointOrdinaryList = firePointOrdinaryDao.findAll(specification, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, "satelliteTime"));
if (firePointOrdinaryList.size() == 1) {
AllFirePointVo firePointVo = FirePointConvertUtils.convert(firePointOrdinaryList.get(0));
return outputEncapsulationObject(PromptMessageEnum.SUCCESS, firePointVo, locale);
return outputEncapsulationObject(PromptMessageEnum.SUCCESS, firePointOrdinaryList.get(0), locale);
return outputEncapsulationObject(PromptMessageEnum.SUCCESS, null, locale);
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public class FirePointCodeUtils {
private FirePointCodeUtils() {
public static String getFormatCutCode(String code) throws Exception {
public static String getFormatCutCode(String code) {
String formatCutCode = code.trim();
while ((!TextUtils.isEmpty(formatCutCode)) && (formatCutCode.endsWith("0"))) {
formatCutCode = formatCutCode.substring(0, formatCutCode.length() - 1).trim();
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
package com.xkrs.utilsnew;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointOrdinaryEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.entity.FirePointPreciseEntity;
import com.xkrs.model.vo.AllFirePointVo;
* AllFirePointVo输出格式转化工具
public class FirePointConvertUtils {
private FirePointConvertUtils() {
public static AllFirePointVo convert(FirePointOrdinaryEntity entity) {
AllFirePointVo allFirePointVo = new AllFirePointVo();
return allFirePointVo;
public static AllFirePointVo convert(FirePointPreciseEntity entity) {
AllFirePointVo allFirePointVo = new AllFirePointVo();
return allFirePointVo;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user