diff --git a/DH.Devices.Camera/Do3ThinkCamera.cs b/DH.Devices.Camera/Do3ThinkCamera.cs
index 49bb698..4910eac 100644
--- a/DH.Devices.Camera/Do3ThinkCamera.cs
+++ b/DH.Devices.Camera/Do3ThinkCamera.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
public class Do3ThinkCamera : CameraBase
private dvpCameraInfo stDevInfo = new dvpCameraInfo();
private dvpStatus nRet = dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK;
private DVPCamera.dvpEventCallback pCallBackFunc;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
public Double m_dfDisplayCount = 0;
public Do3ThinkCamera()
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
dvpCameraInfo camerainfo = new dvpCameraInfo();
nRet = DVPCamera.dvpGetCameraInfo(m_handle, ref camerainfo);
- SerialNumber= camerainfo.SerialNumber;
+ SerialNumber = camerainfo.SerialNumber;
// ch:注册异常回调函数 | en:Register Exception Callback
//nRet = DVPCamera.dvpRegisterEventCallback(m_handle, pCallBackFunc, dvpEvent.EVENT_DISCONNECTED, IntPtr.Zero);
//if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
@@ -87,82 +87,82 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
- // ch:设置触发模式为on || en:set trigger mode as on
- nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerState(m_handle, true);
- if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
- {
- throw new Exception("Set TriggerMode failed!");
- }
+ // ch:设置触发模式为on || en:set trigger mode as on
+ nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerState(m_handle, true);
+ if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Set TriggerMode failed!");
+ }
- // 硬触发
- //if (IIConfig.IsHardwareTrigger)
- //{
- // ch:触发源选择:1 - Line1; | en:Trigger source select:1 - Line1;
- nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerSource(m_handle, dvpTriggerSource.TRIGGER_SOURCE_LINE1);
- if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
- {
- throw new Exception("Set Line1 Trigger failed!");
- }
+ // 硬触发
+ //if (IIConfig.IsHardwareTrigger)
+ //{
+ // ch:触发源选择:1 - Line1; | en:Trigger source select:1 - Line1;
+ nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerSource(m_handle, dvpTriggerSource.TRIGGER_SOURCE_LINE1);
+ if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Set Line1 Trigger failed!");
+ }
- // ch:注册回调函数 | en:Register image callback
- ImageCallback = new DVPCamera.dvpStreamCallback(ImageCallbackFunc);
- nRet = DVPCamera.dvpRegisterStreamCallback(m_handle, ImageCallback, dvpStreamEvent.STREAM_EVENT_PROCESSED, IntPtr.Zero);
- if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
- {
- throw new Exception("Register image callback failed!");
- }
- //}
- //else // 软触发
- //{
- // nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerSource(m_handle, dvpTriggerSource.TRIGGER_SOURCE_SOFTWARE);
- // if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
- // {
- // throw new Exception("Set Software Trigger failed!");
- // }
- //}
+ // ch:注册回调函数 | en:Register image callback
+ ImageCallback = new DVPCamera.dvpStreamCallback(ImageCallbackFunc);
+ nRet = DVPCamera.dvpRegisterStreamCallback(m_handle, ImageCallback, dvpStreamEvent.STREAM_EVENT_PROCESSED, IntPtr.Zero);
+ if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Register image callback failed!");
+ }
+ //}
+ //else // 软触发
+ //{
+ // nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerSource(m_handle, dvpTriggerSource.TRIGGER_SOURCE_SOFTWARE);
+ // if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
+ // {
+ // throw new Exception("Set Software Trigger failed!");
+ // }
+ //}
- // ch:开启抓图 || en: start grab image
- nRet = DVPCamera.dvpStart(m_handle);
- if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
- {
- throw new Exception($"Start grabbing failed:{nRet:x8}");
- }
- //// 曝光
- //if (IIConfig.DefaultExposure != 0)
- //{
- // SetExposure(IIConfig.DefaultExposure);
- //}
- //// 增益
- //if (IIConfig.Gain >= 0)
- //{
- // SetGain(IIConfig.Gain);
- //}
- //SetPictureRoi(IIConfig.VelocityPara.A_Pic_X, IIConfig.VelocityPara.A_Pic_Y, IIConfig.VelocityPara.Width, IIConfig.VelocityPara.Hight);
+ // ch:开启抓图 || en: start grab image
+ nRet = DVPCamera.dvpStart(m_handle);
+ if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
+ {
+ throw new Exception($"Start grabbing failed:{nRet:x8}");
+ }
+ //// 曝光
+ //if (IIConfig.DefaultExposure != 0)
+ //{
+ // SetExposure(IIConfig.DefaultExposure);
+ //}
+ //// 增益
+ //if (IIConfig.Gain >= 0)
+ //{
+ // SetGain(IIConfig.Gain);
+ //}
+ //SetPictureRoi(IIConfig.VelocityPara.A_Pic_X, IIConfig.VelocityPara.A_Pic_Y, IIConfig.VelocityPara.Width, IIConfig.VelocityPara.Hight);
- //// 设置 触发延迟
- //if (IIConfig.TriggerDelay > 0)
- //{
- // nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerDelay(m_handle, IIConfig.TriggerDelay);
- // if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
- // {
- // throw new Exception("Set TriggerDelay failed!");
- // }
- //}
+ //// 设置 触发延迟
+ //if (IIConfig.TriggerDelay > 0)
+ //{
+ // nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerDelay(m_handle, IIConfig.TriggerDelay);
+ // if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
+ // {
+ // throw new Exception("Set TriggerDelay failed!");
+ // }
+ //}
- //// 信号消抖
- //if (IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime > 0)
- //{
- // nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerJitterFilter(m_handle, IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime);
- // if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
- // {
- // throw new Exception($"LineDebouncerTime set failed:{nRet}");
- // }
- //}
+ //// 信号消抖
+ //if (IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime > 0)
+ //{
+ // nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTriggerJitterFilter(m_handle, IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime);
+ // if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
+ // {
+ // throw new Exception($"LineDebouncerTime set failed:{nRet}");
+ // }
+ //}
- //IIConfig.PropertyChanged -= IIConfig_PropertyChanged;
- //IIConfig.PropertyChanged += IIConfig_PropertyChanged;
+ //IIConfig.PropertyChanged -= IIConfig_PropertyChanged;
+ //IIConfig.PropertyChanged += IIConfig_PropertyChanged;
- return true;
+ return true;
@@ -258,20 +258,20 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
private void SetExposure(double exposure)
- // 关闭自动曝光
- nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetAeOperation(m_handle, dvpAeOperation.AE_OP_OFF);
- if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
- {
- throw new Exception($"Exposure set failed:{nRet}");
- }
- // 设置曝光值
- nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetExposure(m_handle, exposure);
- if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
- {
- throw new Exception($"Exposure set failed:{nRet}");
- }
- }
+ // 关闭自动曝光
+ nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetAeOperation(m_handle, dvpAeOperation.AE_OP_OFF);
+ if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
+ {
+ throw new Exception($"Exposure set failed:{nRet}");
+ }
+ // 设置曝光值
+ nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetExposure(m_handle, exposure);
+ if (nRet != dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK)
+ {
+ throw new Exception($"Exposure set failed:{nRet}");
+ }
+ }
@@ -309,16 +309,23 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
public int ImageCallbackFunc(uint handle, dvpStreamEvent _event, IntPtr pContext, ref dvpFrame refFrame, IntPtr pBuffer)
Mat cvImage = new Mat();
+ if (this.CameraName.Equals("Cam1"))
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine( );
+ }
+ if (this.CameraName.Equals("Cam2"))
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine();
+ }
Interlocked.Increment(ref SnapshotCount);
int nWidth = refFrame.iWidth;
int nHeight = refFrame.iHeight;
// 根据图像格式创建Mat
switch (refFrame.format)
@@ -336,7 +343,8 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
- throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported format: {refFrame.format}");
+ cvImage = Mat.FromPixelData(nHeight, nWidth, MatType.CV_8UC1, pBuffer);
+ break;
Mat smat = cvImage.Clone();
OnHImageOutput?.Invoke(DateTime.Now, this, smat);
@@ -349,7 +357,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
catch (Exception ex)
diff --git a/DH.Devices.Motion/MCDLL_NET.cs b/DH.Devices.Motion/MCDLL_NET.cs
index 1081449..d9d2101 100644
--- a/DH.Devices.Motion/MCDLL_NET.cs
+++ b/DH.Devices.Motion/MCDLL_NET.cs
@@ -37,188 +37,854 @@ namespace MCDLL_NET
public class CMCDLL_NET
- 1 ƿ
+ 0.1 ƿ
- //1.0 粢ģʽú(ǰ) 궨1.0
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Switch_State_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Set_Switch_State_Net(ushort Mode = 0);
- // ú(ǰ)
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Card_Number_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Set_Card_Number_Net(ushort Card_Number = 0);
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Card_Number_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Get_Card_Number_Net(ref ushort Card_Number);
- //1.1 ʼ [1,100] [0,99] 궨1.1
+ ///
+ /// ˶ƿ
+ ///
+ /// վȡֵ[1,100]
+ /// վţ[0,99]
+ /// ʾվͣȡֵ
+ /// 0: NIO0808R/NIO1616R/NIO2416
+ /// 1: NIO4832/NIO3232/NIO4000
+ /// 2: NMC1200R/NMC1400/NMC3400/NMC3401
+ /// 3: NMC5800/NMC5600R/NMC1800/NMC1600R
+ /// 4: NMC5120R/NMC5160
+ /// 5: LMC3400/LMC3100
+ /// 6: EIO0840
+ /// 7: NAD0804
+ /// 8:
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Open_Net(ushort Connection_Number, ref ushort Station_Number, ref ushort Station_Type);
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Open_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Get_Open_Net(ref ushort Connection_Number, ref ushort Station_Number, ref ushort Station_Type);
+ ///
+ /// ر˶ƿ
+ ///
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Close_Net();
- //1.2 ӳʱֹͣ [0,60000]
+ ///
+ /// 1.2 ӳʱֹͣᣬDO TimeOut_Output
+ ///
+ /// óʱʱ䣻 Χ[0,60000]
+ /// óʱ
+ /// վ
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Link_TimeOut_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Link_TimeOut_Net(uint Time_1MS, uint TimeOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // ӳʱֹͣʹܺ
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Trigger_Output_Bit_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Set_Trigger_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //1.3 Ӽ⺯
+ ///
+ /// 1.3 Ӽ⺯
+ ///
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Link_State_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Get_Link_State_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ public static extern short MCF_Get_Link_State_Net();
+ ///
+ /// 1.4 粢ģʽú
+ ///
+ /// Modeģʽ 0 1
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Switch_State_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Set_Switch_State_Net(ushort Mode = 0);
+ ///
+ /// 1.5 粢ģʽ״̬ѯ
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Switch_State_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Get_Switch_State_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 1 ʼ
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ ///
+ /// 1.1 ʼ MCF_Open_Netǰ
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Init_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Init_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 2 ɸѡرպ
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Start_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Start_Net(ushort Mode = 0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Close_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Close_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 3 ȫƲ
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ ///
+ /// 3.1 Сߴ
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Size_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Size_Net(uint Max_Size, uint Min_Size, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// 3.2 ȫ,ȫʱ
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Place_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Place_Net(uint Min_Distance, uint Min_Time_Intervel, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// 3.3 Чƽ(Ĭϵ͵ƽ)
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_0_Logic_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_0_Logic_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_1_Logic_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_1_Logic_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// 3.4 ϳʱֹͣ˶(Ĭʱ0,ʾ) [0,60000]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_0_TimeOut_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_0_TimeOut_Net(uint Time_1MS, uint TimeOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// 3.5 OKʱֹͣ˶(Ĭʱ0,ʾ) [0,60000]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_TimeOut_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_TimeOut_Net(uint Time_1MS, uint TimeOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// 3.6 NGֹͣ˶(Ĭʱ0,ʾ) [0,60000]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_NumberOut_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_NumberOut_Net(uint NG_Number, uint NumberOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ //HMC3412S ר
+ ///
+ /// 3.7 жOK,ʣĿǷȷԴжǷϽOK
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Error_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Error_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort Bit_Input_Logic, int Input_Position, uint Piece_Size, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_OK_Error_Number_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_OK_Error_Number_Net(ref uint Error_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 0.4 ɸѡԼλú
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ ///
+ /// ĶӦע⣺װõԾСУ
+ ///
+ /// ţȡֵΧ1-8
+ /// ϼڵλãλ壻
+ /// תת0˳1棨
+ /// 㴥ģʽ
+ /// λ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Net(ushort Camera_Number, int Camera_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Net(int Blow_OK_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_NG_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_NG_Net(int Blow_NG_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_1_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_1_Net(int Blow_1_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_2_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_2_Net(int Blow_2_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ //HMC3412S ר
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_3_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_3_Net(int Blow_3_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_4_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_4_Net(int Blow_4_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_5_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_5_Net(int Blow_5_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_6_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_6_Net(int Blow_6_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 0.5 ɸѡ,,״̬
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_Pass_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_Pass_Net(ushort Piece_Input_Number, ref uint Piece_Pass, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// DIO0 ɸѡ״̬
+ ///
+ /// ˿ںţĿǰֻһ·ȡֵ0
+ /// ƥͳ
+ /// С 10 ݣҪ
+ /// ࣬ 10 ݣҪ
+ ///
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_State_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_State_Net(ushort Piece_Input_Number, ref uint Piece_Find, ref uint Piece_Size, ref uint Piece_Distance_To_next, ref uint Piece_Cross_Camera, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ˶ƿպ,ʱٺ1,һΪ ƿӴյͼҪʱ,
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Ӧʱʾʱ䣬λms
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Camera_Delay_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Camera_Delay_Count_Net(ushort Camera_Number, double Delay_Camera_Count_MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡжϿƿռ,ͼһҪʱĿƿռҪһһӦ,Ϊͼ쳣©Ĵ
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ĸ
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Camera_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Camera_Count_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ref uint Trig_Camera_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ NG
+ ///
+ /// NG
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_NG_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_NG_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_NG_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ OK
+ ///
+ /// OK
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_OK_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_OK_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_OK_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ 1
+ ///
+ /// 1
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_1_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_1_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_1_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ 2
+ ///
+ /// 2
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_2_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_2_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_2_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ 3
+ ///
+ /// 3
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_3_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_3_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_3_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ 4
+ ///
+ /// 4
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_4_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_4_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_4_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ 5
+ ///
+ /// 5
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_5_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_5_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_5_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡ 6
+ ///
+ /// 6
+ /// վ
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_6_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_6_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_6_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ ·ʱǰѾλõϣᱻжΪ д¼ݡ
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_NG_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_NG_Count_Net(ref uint Lose_Blow_NG_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_OK_Count_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_OK_Count_Net(ref uint Lose_Blow_OK_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 0.6 ģʽ0ûۺʹָ
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_1_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_1_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_2_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_2_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_3_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_3_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_4_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_4_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_5_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_5_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_6_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_6_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 0.7 ģʽ1ûֱӷÿƿԶۺϽ
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ ///
+ /// ͼģʽǰ, MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Camera_Delay_Count_Net ôռʱ,
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ //
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_OK_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_OK_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_NG_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_NG_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ /********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
+ 0.8 ģʽ2ûҪƿͨIOۺϽ,ȫͨӲʵ,ֱPLC
+ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
+ ///
+ /// (0,500]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Wait_Time_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Wait_Time_Net(ushort Camera_Number, double Wait_Time_MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_OK_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_OK_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort Input_Number, ushort Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_NG_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_NG_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort Input_Number, ushort Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
2 ͨ
- //2.1 ͨIOȫ [OUT31,OUT0] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.1 ͨIOȫ [OUT31,OUT0] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Net(uint All_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡͨ I/O ź
+ ///
+ /// ȡ DO00-DO31 ƽ״̬
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Output_Net(ref uint All_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.2 ͨIOλ 궨2.3.1 궨2.3.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.2 λͨ I/O ź
+ ///
+ /// ѡ IO λ ΧDO00-DO39
+ /// IO ڵƽ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ref ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.3 ͨIO1λʱ亯 궨2.3.1 궨2.3.2 [0,65535] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.3 ͨIOãλʱ亯 궨2.3.1 궨2.3.2 [0,65535] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Time_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Time_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort Output_Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // ͨIO2λʱ亯 궨2.3.1 [0,1000] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// ͨIOãλʱ亯 궨2.3.1 [0,1000] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,65535]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Compare_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Compare_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Compare_Output_Number, ushort Compare_Output_1MS, ushort Compare_dDist, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.4 ͨIOȫ뺯 [Input31,Input0] [Input48,Input32] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.4 ȡͨ I/O ź
+ ///
+ /// IO DI00 - DI31 ĵƽ״̬
+ /// IO DI32 - DI47 ĵƽ״̬
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Net(ref uint All_Input_Logic1, ref uint All_Input_Logic2, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.5 ͨIOλ뺯 궨2.4.1 궨2.4.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.5 ͨIOλ뺯 궨2.4.1 궨2.4.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref ushort Bit_Input_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.6 ͨIOλظٲ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.6 ͨIOλظٲ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Input_Fall_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Input_Fall_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.7 ͨIOλظٲȡ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] 궨2.7 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.7 ͨIOλظٲȡ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] 궨2.7 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref ushort Bit_Input_Fall, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.9 ͨIOλظټȡ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] [0,(2^32-1)] 10± &Array[10] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 2.9 ͨIOλظټȡ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_1] [0,(2^32-1)] 10±
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ /// &Array[10] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Count_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Count_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref uint Input_Count_Fall, ref uint Lock_Data_Buffer, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.10 ͨIOλ汣(10)(MCF_Open_Netǰǰ)
+ ///
+ /// 2.10 ͨIOλ汣(10)(MCF_Open_Netǰǰ)
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Open_Input_Lock_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Open_Input_Lock_Bit_Net(ushort Lock_Mode = 0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //2.11 ͨIOλ˲ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] [1,100]MS [0,99]
+ //2.11 ͨIOλ˲ [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_1] [1,100]MS [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Input_Filter_Time_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Input_Filter_Time_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, uint Filter_Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
3 ר
- //3.1 ŷʹú 궨0.0 궨3.1 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.1 ŷʹú
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ /// ŷʹãȡֵΧ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Servo_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Servo_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Servo_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //3.2 ŷλú 궨0.0 궨3.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.2 ŷλ
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ /// øλƽ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Alarm_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Alarm_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //3.3 ŷȡ 궨0.0 궨3.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.3 ŷȡ
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_Alarm_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //3.4 ŷλȡ 궨0.0 궨3.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.4 ŷλȡ 궨0.0 궨3.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_INP_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_INP_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_INP_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //3.5 Zȡ 궨0.0 궨3.5 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.5 Zȡ 궨0.0 궨3.5 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Z_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Z_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Z_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //3.6 ԭȡ 궨0.0 궨3.6 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.6 ԭȡ 궨0.0 궨3.6 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Home_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //3.7 λȡ 궨0.0 궨3.7 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.7 λȡ 궨0.0 궨3.7 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Positive_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Positive_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Positive_Limit_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //3.8 λȡ 궨0.0 궨3.8 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 3.8 λȡ 궨0.0 궨3.8 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Negative_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Negative_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Negative_Limit_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
4 ú
- //4.1 ͨú 궨0.0 궨4.1 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 4.1 ͨú
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ /// ģʽȡֵ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Pulse_Mode_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Pulse_Mode_Net(ushort Axis, uint Pulse_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Pulse_Mode_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Pulse_Mode_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Pulse_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //4.2 λú 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 4.2 λú 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Position_Net(ushort Axis, int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //4.3 ú 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 4.3 ú 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // ͨZABֵ
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Z_Clear_Encoder_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Z_Clear_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // ͨZ̶IO 궨0.0 [0,255] [0,65535] [0,255]
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Z_Output_Bit_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Z_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Number, uint dDist, ushort Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //4.4 ٶȻȡ 궨0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)] [-2^15,(2^15-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 4.4 ȡʵʱٶȺʵʱٶ
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ /// ȡʵʱٶȣλ/s
+ /// ȡʵʱٶȣλ/s
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Vel_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Vel_Net(ushort Axis, ref double Command_Vel, ref double Encode_Vel, ushort StationNumber = 0);
5 Ӳֹͣ˶
- //5.1 5.1 ͨIO븴ãΪֹͣ 궨2.4.1 궨5.1 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.1 5.1 ͨIO븴ãΪֹͣ 궨2.4.1 궨5.1 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Bit_Net(ushort EMG_Input_Number, ushort EMG_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Net(ushort EMG_Input_Number, ushort EMG_Mode, uint EMG_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Enable_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Enable_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // ͨIO븴ãΪֹͣ [0,3] 궨0.0 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_15] 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// ͨIO븴ãΪֹͣ [0,3] 궨0.0 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_15] 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Input_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Input_Trigger_Net(ushort Channel, ushort Axis, ushort Bit_Input_Number, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Trigger_Net(ushort Channel, ref ushort Axis, ref ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.2 λ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 [-2^31,2^31]P > [-2^31,2^31]P [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.2 λ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 [-2^31,2^31]P > [-2^31,2^31]P [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, int Positive_Position, int Negative_Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Positive_Position, ref int Negative_Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.3 λ˶ֹͣغ 궨0.0 궨5.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.3 λ˶ֹͣغ 궨0.0 궨5.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, uint Soft_Limit_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Soft_Limit_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.4 ŷ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.4 ŷ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Alarm_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Alarm_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Alarm_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Alarm_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.5 Index˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.5 Index˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Index_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Index_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Index_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Index_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.6 ԭ㴥˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.6 ԭ㴥˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Home_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Home_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.7 λ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.7 λ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_ELP_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_ELP_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_ELP_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_ELP_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.8 λ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.8 λ˶ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨5.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_ELN_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_ELN_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_ELN_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_ELN_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.9 ԭ㴥λü¼ 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.9 ԭ㴥λü¼ 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Rise_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Rise_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Fall_Position_Net")]
@@ -227,187 +893,601 @@ namespace MCDLL_NET
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Rise_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Fall_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Fall_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.10 ״̬ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.10 ״̬
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Axis_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Axis_State_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //5.11 ״ֹ̬ͣ˶ѯ 궨0.0 MC_Retrun.h[0,28] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 5.11 ״ֹ̬ͣ˶ѯ
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ ///
+ /// 0 ִгɹ
+ /// 1 ִ
+ /// 2 EMG ֹͣ
+ /// 3 EMG ٽֹͣ
+ /// 4 ALM ֹͣ
+ /// 5 ALM ֹͣ
+ /// 6 ŷʹֹͣ
+ /// 7 ŷʹֹܼͣ
+ /// 8 ָֹͣ
+ /// 9 ָֹͣ
+ /// 10 Index ֹͣ
+ /// 11 Index ֹͣ
+ /// 12 ԭֹͣ
+ /// 13 ԭֹͣ
+ /// 14 Ӳλֹͣ
+ /// 15 Ӳλֹͣ
+ /// 16 Ӳλֹͣ
+ /// 17 Ӳλֹͣ
+ /// 18 λֹͣ
+ /// 19 λֹͣ
+ /// 20 λֹͣ
+ /// 21 λֹͣ
+ /// 22 ֹͣ
+ /// 23 ֹͣ
+ /// 24 ԭֹͣ
+ /// 25 ԭֹͣ
+ /// 26 δ֪ԭֹͣ
+ /// 27 δ֪ԭֹͣ
+ /// 28 ⲿ IO ֹͣ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_State_Net(ushort Axis, ref short Reason, ushort StationNumber = 0);
6 ԭ㺯
- //6.1 û 궨0.0 [1,65535] [1,65535]
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_dMaxA_Time_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_dMaxA_Time_Net(ushort Axis, ushort H_dMaxA_Time = 10, ushort L_dMaxA_Time = 10, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // 궨0.0 [1,35] 궨6.1.1 궨6.1.2 궨6.1.3 (0,10M]P/S (0,10M]P/S [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.1 û 궨0.0 [1,35] 궨6.1.1 궨6.1.2 궨6.1.3 (0,10M]P/S (0,10M]P/S [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 㷽ʽο㷽ʽȡֵ1 ~ 35
+ /// λƽ
+ /// ԭλƽ
+ /// Index ƽ
+ /// ٶٶ
+ /// ٶٶ
+ /// ƫλãģʽͼʾͷָʾƫ
+ /// λģʽ0ָλã1λ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Set_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Set_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Search_Home_Mode, ushort Limit_Logic, ushort Home_Logic, ushort Index_Logic, double H_dMaxV, double L_dMaxV, int Offset_Position, ushort Trigger_Source, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //6.2 û 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.2 û 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Start_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Start_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //6.3 ûֹͣ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.3 ûֹͣ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //6.4 ȡ״̬ 궨0.0 MC_Retrun.h{0,31,32} [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.4 ȡ״̬
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ״̬
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Get_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Get_State_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Home_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //6.5 û㻺ͣʱ 궨0.0 [0,1000] λms [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.5 û㻺ͣʱ
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// ͣʱ䣻 Χ 0 -1000msĬϣͣ
+ /// ע⣺ײԭ㻺ͣʱ䣬Ҫϻõĸٶٶȣ͵ٶٶȵĴ䡣
+ /// ô˻ֹСֹͣʱжҪʱ䣬ҵԭʱڿм䡣
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Time_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Stop_Time, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //6.6 ûɺλֵ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.6 ûɺλֵ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //6.7 ûɺֱֵ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.7 ûɺֱֵ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //6.8 ûλ뿪ٶ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 6.8 ûλ뿪ٶ 궨0.0 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Leave_Vel_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Leave_Vel_Net(ushort Axis, double M_dMaxV, ushort StationNumber = 0);
7 λ˶ƺ
- //7.1 ٶȿƺ 궨0.0 (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 7.1 ٶȿƺ 궨0.0 (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_JOG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_JOG_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //7.2 ˶λøı亯 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 7.2 ˶λøı亯 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_dDist_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_dDist_Change_Net(ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //7.3 ˶ٶȸı亯 궨0.0 (0,10M]P/S [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 7.3 ˶ٶȸı亯 궨0.0 (0,10M]P/S [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxV_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxV_Change_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxV, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxA_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxA_Change_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxA, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //7.4 ߺ 궨0.0 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 7.4 ߺ
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ /// õ㶯ٶȣλpulse/sȡֵdMaxV > dV_ini >= 0
+ /// õ㶯Ŀٶ, λpulse/sȡֵdMaxV > 0
+ /// õ㶯ٶȣλpulse/s*sȡֵdMaxA > 0
+ /// õ㶯Ӽٶȣλpulse/s*s*sȡֵdJerk > 0
+ /// õ㶯ֹٶȣλpulse/sȡֵdMaxV > dV_end >= 0
+ /// õ㶯ͣȡֵ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Axis_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Axis_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, double dV_ini, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, double dJerk, double dV_end, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, ref double dV_ini, ref double dMaxV, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref double dV_end, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //7.5 ˶ 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// ˶
+ ///
+ /// ָţȡֵ0-Axis_MAX
+ /// õ㶯Ŀλãλ
+ /// ģʽȡֵ
+ /// վãĬϲΪ0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_Net(ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //7.6 ֹͣߺ 궨0.0 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 7.6 ֹͣߺ 궨0.0 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxA, double dJerk, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //7.7 ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨7.7 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 7.7 ֹͣ 궨0.0 궨7.7 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Axis_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Axis_Stop_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Axis_Stop_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //7.8 ˶ıں 궨0.0 [1,1000]MS [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 7.8 ˶ıں 궨0.0 [1,1000]MS [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_Cycle_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_Cycle_Change_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Cycle, ushort StationNumber = 0);
8 岹˶ƺ
- //8.1 ϵߺ 궨0.1 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.1 ϵߺ 궨0.1 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Coordinate_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Coordinate_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, double dV_ini, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, double dJerk, double dV_end, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Coordinate_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Coordinate_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref double dV_ini, ref double dMaxV, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref double dV_end, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //8.2 Բ뾶岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.2 Բ뾶岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Arc2_Radius_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Arc2_Radius_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, int Arc_Radius, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //8.3 ԲԲIJ岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.3 ԲԲIJ岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Arc2_Centre_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Arc2_Centre_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ref int Center_List, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //8.4 ֱ߲岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.4 ֱ߲岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Line2_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Line2_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Line3_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Line3_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Line4_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Line4_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //8.5 ϵֹͣߺ 궨0.1 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.5 ϵֹͣߺ 궨0.1 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 궨0.4
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, double dMaxA, double dJerk, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //8.6 Բ뾶岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.6 Բ뾶岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Screw3_Radius_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Screw3_Radius_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, int Arc_Radius, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //8.7 ԲԲIJ岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.7 ԲԲIJ岹˶ 궨0.1 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Screw3_Centre_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Screw3_Centre_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ref int Center_List, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //8.8 ϵֹͣ 궨0.1 궨5.6 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 8.8 ϵֹͣ 궨0.1 궨5.6 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Coordinate_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Coordinate_Stop_Net(ushort Coordinate, ushort Coordinate_Stop_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.1 ֹͣߺ 궨0.2 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.1 ֹͣߺ 궨0.2 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double dMaxA, double dJerk, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.2 ֹͣ 궨0.2 궨9.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.2 ֹͣ 궨0.2 궨9.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Stop_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Buffer_Stop_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.3 ߸ıٶȱ 궨0.2 (0,10] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.3 ߸ıٶȱ 궨0.2 (0,10] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Change_Velocity_Ratio_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Change_Velocity_Ratio_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double Velocity_Ratio, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.4 ʼ 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.4 ʼ 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Start_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Start_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.5 ٶȱ 궨0.2 궨9.5 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.5 ٶȱ 궨0.2 궨9.5 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Velocity_Ratio_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Velocity_Ratio_Enable_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Velocity_Ratio_Enable = 0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.6 ǰհٱ 궨0.2 (0,1] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.6 ǰհٱ 궨0.2 (0,1] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Reduce_Ratio_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Reduce_Ratio_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double Reduce_Ratio = 1.0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.7 ߺ 궨0.2 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.7 ߺ 궨0.2 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 궨0.4 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Profile_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double dV_ini, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, double dJerk, double dV_end, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.8 ˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.8 ˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Uniaxial_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Uniaxial_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //˶ͬ溯
+ ///
+ /// ˶ͬ溯
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Sync_Follow_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Sync_Follow_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.9 ֱ߲岹˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.9 ֱ߲岹˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Line2_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Line2_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Line3_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Line3_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Line4_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Line4_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.10 ƽԲ뾶岹˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.10 ƽԲ뾶岹˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Arc_Radius_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Arc_Radius_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, int Arc_Radius, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.11 ƽԲԲIJ岹˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.11 ƽԲԲIJ岹˶ 궨0.2 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 궨0.5 궨0.3 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Arc_Centre_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Arc_Centre_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ref int Center_List, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.12 ʱ 궨0.2 [0,2^31-1] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.12 ʱ 궨0.2 [0,2^31-1] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Delay_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Delay_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, uint number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.13 IO 궨0.2 궨2.3.1 궨2.3.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.13 IO 궨0.2 궨2.3.1 궨2.3.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Bit_Number, ushort output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.14 IOȴ 궨0.2 궨2.4.1 궨2.4.2 (0,2^15-1] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.14 IOȴ 궨0.2 궨2.4.1 궨2.4.2 (0,2^15-1] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Wait_Input_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Wait_Input_Bit_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Bit_Number, ushort Logic, ushort Time_Out, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.15 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.15 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_End_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_End_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.16 ִк 궨0.2 궨9.16 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.16 ִк 궨0.2 궨9.16 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Execute_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Execute_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Execute_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.17 ϵ 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.17 ϵ 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Execute_BreakPoint_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Execute_BreakPoint_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.18 ״̬ѯ 궨0.2 MC_Retrun.h{0,29,30} [0,2^15-1]
+ ///
+ /// 9.18 ״̬ѯ 궨0.2 MC_Retrun.h{0,29,30} [0,2^15-1]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Get_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Get_State_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Execute_State, ref ushort Execute_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.19 ʣɲָռٷֱȲѯ 궨0.2 [0,100]
+ ///
+ /// 9.19 ʣɲָռٷֱȲѯ 궨0.2 [0,100]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Get_Remainder_Space_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Get_Remainder_Space_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Remainder_Space_Ratio, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.20 ʼ(ѯʣһϿռ) 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.20 ʼ(ѯʣһϿռ) 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Insert_Start_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Insert_Start_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.22 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.22 궨0.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Insert_End_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Insert_End_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //9.23 ָռõĿռٷֱ 궨0.2 [0,100] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 9.23 ָռõĿռٷֱ 궨0.2 [0,100] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
// MCF_Buffer_Start_NetMCF_Buffer_Insert_Start_Netʼ0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Count_Occupy_Space_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Count_Occupy_Space_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Occupy_Space_Ratio, ushort StationNumber = 0);
@@ -415,78 +1495,219 @@ namespace MCDLL_NET
10 ʾ10KƵݲ
- //10.1 ݲ/رպ(MCF_Open_Netǰǰ,ֻ֧һ˶ƿ)
+ ///
+ /// 10.1 ݲ/رպ(MCF_Open_Netǰǰ,ֻ֧һ˶ƿ)
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Open_Net(ushort Capture_Mode = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Close_Net();
- //10.2 ݲݸº 궨10.2
+ ///
+ /// 10.2 ݲݸº 궨10.2
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_State_Net(ref ushort Capture_State);
- //10.3 ȡ1000λ 궨0.0 &Array[Capture_Frequency*Capture_Time_1MS]
+ ///
+ /// 10.3 ȡ1000λ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// &Array[1000]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_Command_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_Command_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Command);
- //10.4 ȡ1000 궨0.0 &Array[Capture_Frequency*Capture_Time_1MS]
+ ///
+ /// [100,250,500,1000]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_Command_Custom_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_Command_Custom_Net(ushort Axis, int Number, ref int Command);
+ ///
+ /// 10.4 ȡ1000 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// &Array[1000]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder);
- //10.5 ȡ1000ģ 궨0.0 &Array[Capture_Frequency*Capture_Time_1MS]
+ ///
+ /// [100,250,500,1000]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_Encoder_Custom_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_Encoder_Custom_Net(ushort Axis, int Number, ref int Encoder);
+ ///
+ /// 10.5 ȡ1000ģ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// &Array[1000]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_AD_Net(ushort Axis, ref int AD);
- //10.6 ADC˲ 궨0.0 [0,1]
+ ///
+ /// [100,250,500,1000]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_AD_Custom_Net")]
+ public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_AD_Custom_Net(ushort Axis, int Number, ref int AD);
+ ///
+ /// 10.6 ADC˲ 궨0.0 [0,1]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Filter_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Filter_AD_Net(ushort Axis, double Filter_Coefficient = 1);
- //10.7 ݲƵ 궨10.7
+ ///
+ /// 10.7 ݲƵ 궨10.7
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Frequency_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Frequency_Net(ushort Capture_Frequency = 1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //10.8 ݲʱ [2,1000] 2ı
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Time_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Capture_Time_Net(ushort Capture_Time_1MS = 100, ushort StationNumber = 0);
11 ӳֿƺ
- //11.1 ӳú 궨0.0 궨0.0 (0,(2^31-1)] (0,(2^31-1)] 궨11.1.1 궨11.1.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 11.1 ӳú 궨0.0 궨0.0 (0,(2^31-1)] (0,(2^31-1)] 궨11.1.1 궨11.1.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Gear_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Gear_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Follow_Axis, uint Denominator, uint Molecule, ushort Follow_Source, ushort Dir, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Gear_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Gear_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Follow_Axis, ref uint Denominator, ref uint Molecule, ref ushort Follow_Source, ref ushort Dir, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //11.2 ӳֿغ 궨0.0 궨11.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 11.2 ӳֿغ 궨0.0 궨11.2 [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Gear_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Gear_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Gear_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Gear_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Gear_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Gear_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //11.3 ӳ˶Զر 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 11.3 ӳ˶Զر 궨0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Gear_Auto_Disable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Gear_Auto_Disable_Net(ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort StationNumber = 0);
12 λñȽ
- //12.1 һάλñȽ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ /// 12.1 һάλñȽ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Compare_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Compare_Config_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Enable, ushort Compare_Source, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Config_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Enable, ref ushort Compare_Source, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //12.2 һάλ/ǰȽϵ/ر 궨0.0
+ ///
+ /// 12.2 һάλ/ǰȽϵ/ر 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Compare_Points_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Compare_Points_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Compare_Current_Points_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Compare_Current_Points_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // MCF_Add_Compare_Point_Net ۼӼ 궨0.0 [1,(2^31-1)}
+ ///
+ /// MCF_Add_Compare_Point_Net ۼӼ 궨0.0 [1,(2^31-1)}
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Disable_Compare_Any_Points_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Disable_Compare_Any_Points_Net(ushort Axis, uint Point_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //12.3 һάλñȽϵ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ /// 12.3 һάλñȽϵ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Add_Compare_Point_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Add_Compare_Point_Net(ushort Axis, int Position, ushort Dir, ushort Action, ushort Actpara, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //12.4 ȡǰһάȽϵλ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ /// 12.4 ȡǰһάȽϵλ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Current_Point_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Current_Point_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //12.5 ѯѾȽϹһάȽϵ(ע) 궨0.0 [0,256]
+ ///
+ /// 12.5 ѯѾȽϹһάȽϵ(ע) 궨0.0 [0,256]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Runned_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Runned_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Point_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //12.6 ѯԼһάȽϵ 궨0.0 [0,256]
+ ///
+ /// 12.6 ѯԼһάȽϵ 궨0.0 [0,256]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Remained_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Remained_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Point_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //12.7 ѯδһάȽϵλ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ /// 12.7 ѯδһάȽϵλ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Incomplete_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Incomplete_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Incomplete_Number, ref int Incomplete_Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
@@ -495,70 +1716,172 @@ namespace MCDLL_NET
13 PWM
- //13.1 PWM 궨13.1.1 궨13.1.2 궨13.1.3 궨13.1.4
+ ///
+ /// 13.1 PWM 궨13.1.1 궨13.1.2 궨13.1.3
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Pwm_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Pwm_Config_Net(ushort Channel, ushort Enable, ushort Output_Port_Config, ushort Output_Start_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Pwm_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Pwm_Config_Net(ushort Channel, ref ushort Enable, ref ushort Output_Port_Config, ref ushort Output_Start_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //13.2 PWMź 궨13.1.1 [0,1000000] [0,100] (0,(2^31-1)]
+ ///
+ /// 13.2 PWMź 궨13.1.1 [0,1000000] [0,100] (0,(2^31-1)]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Pwm_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Pwm_Output_Net(ushort Channel, uint Frequency, uint DutyCycle, uint Pwm_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //13.3 PWMź 궨13.1.1 궨13.3.1
+ ///
+ /// 13.3 PWMź 궨13.1.1 궨13.3.1
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Pwm_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Pwm_State_Net(ushort Channel, ref ushort Finish, ushort StationNumber = 0);
14 ֺ
- //14.1 ֹ 궨11.1.2
+ ///
+ /// 14.1 ֹ 궨11.1.2
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Open_Net(ushort Dir, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //14.2 رֹ
+ ///
+ /// 14.2 رֹ
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Close_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //14.3 Ӳֱͨ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ /// 14.3 Ӳֱͨ 궨0.0
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //14.4 Ӳ 궨2.4.1
+ ///
+ /// 14.4 Ӳ 궨2.4.1
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X1_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X1_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X10_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X10_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X100_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X100_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // ӲʴС [1,100]
+ ///
+ /// ӲʴС [1,100]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X1_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X1_Net(ushort Speed_X = 1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X10_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X10_Net(ushort Speed_X = 10, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X100_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X100_Net(ushort Speed_X = 100, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //14.4 Ӳ 궨0.0 궨2.4.1
+ ///
+ /// 14.4 Ӳ 궨0.0 궨2.4.1
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Axis_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Axis_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //14.5 ˶ƽ˲ʱ 궨0.0 [1,1000]MS
+ ///
+ /// 14.5 ˶ƽ˲ʱ 궨0.0 [1,1000]MS
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Filter_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Filter_Time_Net(ushort Axis, uint Filter_Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
15 ģ
- //15.1 ȡADC 궨0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)]
+ ///
+ /// 15.1 ȡADC 궨0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Single_Read_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Single_Read_AD_Net(ushort Channel, ref short AD, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //15.2 ȡDAC 궨0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)]
+ ///
+ /// 15.2 ȡDAC 궨0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Single_Write_DA_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Single_Write_DA_Net(ushort Channel, short DA, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //15.3 AD˫ȽֹͣӦ
+ ///
+ /// 15.3 AD˫ȽֹͣӦ
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_AD_Compare_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_AD_Compare_Net(ushort Channel, short AD_Compare, ushort Stop_Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //15.4 ADֵ [0,7]
+ ///
+ /// 15.4 ADֵ [0,7]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_AD_Capture_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_AD_Capture_Net(ushort Channel, short AD_Capture, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // 0ֲ 1λ
+ ///
+ /// 0ֲ 1λ
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_AD_Capture_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Clear_AD_Capture_Net(ushort C_1, ushort C_2, ushort C_3, ushort C_4,
- ushort C_5, ushort C_6, ushort C_7, ushort C_8, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- // ȡADֵĶӦͨADֵXλ
+ public static extern short MCF_Clear_AD_Capture_Net(ushort C_1, ushort C_2, ushort C_3, ushort C_4, ushort C_5, ushort C_6, ushort C_7, ushort C_8, ushort StationNumber = 0);
+ ///
+ /// ȡADֵĶӦͨADֵXλ
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_1_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_1_Net(ref short AD_5, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_2_Net")]
@@ -575,14 +1898,27 @@ namespace MCDLL_NET
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_7_Net(ref short AD_3, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_8_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_8_Net(ref short AD_4, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //15.5 ôλֵ [0,7]
+ ///
+ /// 15.5 ôλֵ [0,7]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Position_Capture_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Position_Capture_AD_Net(ushort Channel, int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Position_Capture_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Position_Capture_AD_Net(ushort Channel, ref short AD, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Position_Capture_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Position_Capture_AD_Net(ushort C_1, ushort C_2, ushort C_3, ushort C_4, ushort C_5, ushort C_6, ushort C_7, ushort C_8, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //15.6 ȡADֵ [0,7]
+ ///
+ /// 15.6 ȡADֵ [0,7]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Limit_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Limit_AD_Net(ushort Channel, ref short MAX_AD, ref short MIN_AD, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Limit_AD_Net")]
@@ -590,32 +1926,60 @@ namespace MCDLL_NET
16 ϵͳ
- //16.1 ģ汾 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 16.1 ģ汾 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Version_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Version_Net(ref uint Version, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //16.2 к [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
+ ///
+ /// 16.2 к [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Serial_Number_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Serial_Number_Net(ref long Serial_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //16.3 ģʱ [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99] λ
+ ///
+ /// 16.3 ģʱ [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99] λ
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Run_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Run_Time_Net(ref uint Run_Time, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //16.4 Flash дĿǰʱС2Kbytes,Ҳһ unsigned int Array[256]
+ ///
+ /// 16.4 Flash дĿǰʱС2Kbytes,Ҳһ unsigned int Array[256]
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// վãĬϲΪ 0
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Flash_Write_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Flash_Write_Net(uint Pass_Word_Setup, ref uint Flash_Write_Data, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Flash_Read_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Flash_Read_Net(uint Pass_Word_Check, ref uint Flash_Read_Data, ushort StationNumber = 0);
- //16.5 ·,һһգʹ(Ĭ)
+ ///
+ /// 16.5 ·,һһգʹ(Ĭ)
+ ///
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_LookBack_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_LookBack_Enable_Net();
- //16.6 ر·ֻգϻģʽʹ,ģǷ
+ ///
+ /// 16.6 ر·ֻգϻģʽʹ,ģǷ
+ ///
+ ///
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_LookBack_Disable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_LookBack_Disable_Net();
- //16.7 ͨѶʱ &Array[12]
+ ///
+ /// 16.7 ͨѶʱ
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// &Array[12]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Connect_Time_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Connect_Time_Count_Net(ref uint Connect_Count);
- //16.8 ϵͳʱص
- [DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_CallBack_Net")]
- public static extern short MCF_Set_CallBack_Net(int CallBack, uint Time_1MS);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DH.Devices.Motion/SLDMotion.cs b/DH.Devices.Motion/SLDMotion.cs
index bc504fd..3f2b361 100644
--- a/DH.Devices.Motion/SLDMotion.cs
+++ b/DH.Devices.Motion/SLDMotion.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using DH.Commons.Enums;
using DH.Devices.Motion;
using MCDLL_NET;
+using OpenCvSharp;
using System.Diagnostics;
using static System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32;
@@ -287,53 +288,56 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
for (ushort station = 0; station < BoardCount; station++)
// 关闭调试测试后的位置比较
+ //关闭调试测试后的位置比较
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
rtn = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Set_Compare_Config_Net((ushort)i, 0, 0, station);
+ Console.WriteLine($"MCF_Set_Compare_Config_Net {i}::{rtn}");
- // 2.配置物件设置
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Size_Net(PieceMaxSize, PieceMinSize, station);
+ //2.配置物件设置
+ rtn = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Size_Net(PieceMaxSize, PieceMinSize, station);
+ Console.WriteLine($"MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Size_Net::{rtn}");
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Place_Net(MinDistance, MinTimeInterval, station);
+ rtn = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Place_Net(MinDistance, MinTimeInterval, station);
+ Console.WriteLine($"MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Place_Net::{rtn}");
- if (BoardCount < 2)
- {
- // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net(10, 6, 0);
- // 3.配置相机设置
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net(10, 6, 0);
- //设置来料使能 0 是默认 1是开始
- //
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Enable_Net((ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 1);
- //设置物件检测有效电平 0是低电平 1是高电平
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Logic_Net((ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 0);
- //设置来料检测编码器 双转盘要设置两个轴
- /*Bit_Input_Number:设置位号。
- 取值: Bit_Input_0, Bit_Input_1。
- Axis: 轴号。
- Source:跟随方式
- 取值:0:命令
- 1:编码器(默认)
- StationNumber: 站点号;*/
- // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Source_Net((ushort)IIConfig.SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 0, 1);
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Source_Net((ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 1, 1);
+ //if (BoardCount < 2)
+ //{
+ // // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net(10, 6, 0);
+ // // 3.配置相机设置
+ // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net(10, 6, 0);
+ // //设置来料使能 0 是默认 1是开始
+ // //
+ // rtn = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Enable_Net((ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 1);
+ // //设置物件检测有效电平 0是低电平 1是高电平
+ // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Logic_Net((ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 0);
+ // //设置来料检测编码器 双转盘要设置两个轴
+ // /*Bit_Input_Number:设置位号。
+ // 取值: Bit_Input_0, Bit_Input_1。
+ // Axis: 轴号。
+ // Source:跟随方式
+ // 取值:0:命令
+ // 1:编码器(默认)
+ // StationNumber: 站点号;*/
+ // // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Source_Net((ushort)IIConfig.SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 0, 1);
+ // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Source_Net((ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, 1, 1);
- //rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net(
- // (ushort)IIConfig.SnapshotSettings.Count,
- // (ushort)IIConfig.BlowSettings.Count,
- // 0);
- // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Set_Config_Camera_Net();
- //为防止转盘第二个盘不触发拍照 设置一键取反功能
- }
+ // //rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net(
+ // // (ushort)IIConfig.SnapshotSettings.Count,
+ // // (ushort)IIConfig.BlowSettings.Count,
+ // // 0);
+ // // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Set_Config_Camera_Net();
+ // //为防止转盘第二个盘不触发拍照 设置一键取反功能
+ //}
// 3.配置相机设置
// 4.配置气阀
- ConfigBlow();
+ // ConfigBlow();
@@ -345,54 +349,33 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
for (ushort card = 0; card < cardCount; card++)
- //IIConfig.SortingInputSettings.ForEach(sortingInputSetting =>
+ //5.开启筛选
+ rtn = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Start_Net(0, card);
+ if (rtn != (short)0)
+ {
+ // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Warning, $"卡{station}开启筛选异常,ret:{rtn}");
+ }
+ //if (cardCount < 2)
- // var camStart = 0;
- // if (sortingInputSetting.EnableBindCamera)
- // {
- // camStart = sortingInputSetting.CameraStartNumber;
- // }
- // var blowStart = 0;
- // if (sortingInputSetting.EnableBindBlow)
- // {
- // blowStart = sortingInputSetting.BlowStartNumber;
- // }
- // var b = (ushort)sortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber;
- // //var ret = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Bind_Net(b,
- // // (ushort)camStart,
- // // (ushort)blowStart,
- // // card);
- // var ret = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Bind_Net(1,
- // 1,
- // 2,
+ // // 最小值 1 2 2
+ // var ret = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Bind_Net(
+ // (ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, // 1
+ // SortingInputSetting.CameraStartNumber, // 7,
+ // SortingInputSetting.BlowStartNumber, // 2,
// card);
- //});
- // CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Source_Net();
- if (cardCount < 2)
- {
- // 最小值 1 2 2
- var ret = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Bind_Net(
- (ushort)SortingInputSetting.BitInputNumber, // 1
- SortingInputSetting.CameraStartNumber, // 7,
- SortingInputSetting.BlowStartNumber, // 2,
- card);
+ //}
- }
- for (ushort station = 0; station < cardCount; station++)
- {
- // 5.开启筛选
- //开启自动筛选功能
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Start_Net(0, station);
- if (rtn != (short)FuncRet.Function_Success)
- {
- //LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Warning, $"卡{card}开启筛选异常,ret:{rtn}");
- }
- }
+ //for (ushort station = 0; station < cardCount; station++)
+ //{
+ // // 5.开启筛选
+ // //开启自动筛选功能
+ // rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Start_Net(0, station);
+ // if (rtn != (short)FuncRet.Function_Success)
+ // {
+ // //LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Warning, $"卡{card}开启筛选异常,ret:{rtn}");
+ // }
+ //}
@@ -419,6 +402,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
public override void Stop()
+ isconnected = false;
int ret = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Set_Servo_Enable_Net(0, (ushort)ServoLogic.Servo_Open, 0);
@@ -636,7 +620,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
// 初始化
for (ushort station = 0; station < BoardCount; station++)
- ret = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Init_Net(station);
+ ret = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Init_Net(station);
@@ -658,8 +642,8 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
- MCF_Screen_Set_Trigger1();
- MCF_Screen_Set_Trigger1(1);
+ //MCF_Screen_Set_Trigger1();
+ // MCF_Screen_Set_Trigger1(1);
@@ -1859,7 +1843,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
- var rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Camera_Delay_Count_Net(i,
+ var rtn = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Camera_Delay_Count_Net(i,
camSetting.CameraDelayCountMS, camSetting.StationNumber);
@@ -1894,7 +1878,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
- rtn = CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Net(
+ rtn = CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Net(
i, // CCD0
@@ -2004,23 +1988,31 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
switch (blowSetting.BlowType)
case BlowType.OK:
- CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Net(CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Net(CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
case BlowType.NG:
- CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_NG_Net(CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_NG_Net(CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
case BlowType.Blow1:
- CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Net(1, CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_1_Net(blowSetting.BlowPosition, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)blowSetting.BlowIO.IOIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
///第一路绑定OK NG 吹起口1
case BlowType.Blow2:
- CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Net(2, CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_2_Net(blowSetting.BlowPosition, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)blowSetting.BlowIO.IOIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
case BlowType.Blow3:
- CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Net(3, CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_3_Net(blowSetting.BlowPosition, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)blowSetting.BlowIO.IOIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
case BlowType.Blow4:
- CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Net(4, CameraPositionReal, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)ioIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_4_Net(blowSetting.BlowPosition, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)blowSetting.BlowIO.IOIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ break;
+ case BlowType.Blow5:
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_5_Net(blowSetting.BlowPosition, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)blowSetting.BlowIO.IOIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ break;
+ case BlowType.Blow6:
+ CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_6_Net(blowSetting.BlowPosition, (ushort)rotationDirectionEnum, (ushort)blowSetting.ActionMode, (ushort)blowSetting.BlowIO.IOIndex, blowSetting.StationNumber);
+ break;
+ default:
//case BlowType.OK:
// CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Net(setting.BlowPosition, (ushort)IIConfig.MotionDir, (ushort)setting.ActionMode, (ushort)setting.BlowIO.IOIndex, setting.StationNumber);
@@ -2047,8 +2039,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Motion
//case BlowType.Blow6:
// CMCDLL_NET_Sorting.MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_6_Net(setting.BlowPosition, (ushort)IIConfig.MotionDir, (ushort)setting.ActionMode, (ushort)setting.BlowIO.IOIndex, setting.StationNumber);
// break;
- default:
- break;
diff --git a/DHSoftware/DHSoftware.csproj b/DHSoftware/DHSoftware.csproj
index 56e99eb..31c37ee 100644
--- a/DHSoftware/DHSoftware.csproj
+++ b/DHSoftware/DHSoftware.csproj
@@ -12,6 +12,18 @@
diff --git a/DHSoftware/MainWindow.Designer.cs b/DHSoftware/MainWindow.Designer.cs
index 53ae77b..3457d7a 100644
--- a/DHSoftware/MainWindow.Designer.cs
+++ b/DHSoftware/MainWindow.Designer.cs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
button_color = new AntdUI.Button();
buttonSZ = new AntdUI.Button();
pageHeader1 = new AntdUI.PageHeader();
+ label1 = new Label();
divider2 = new AntdUI.Divider();
panelmain = new AntdUI.Panel();
panel2 = new AntdUI.Panel();
@@ -56,11 +57,9 @@
panel3 = new AntdUI.Panel();
tabs2 = new AntdUI.Tabs();
tabPage2 = new AntdUI.TabPage();
- pictureBox1 = new PictureBox();
divider1 = new AntdUI.Divider();
panel1 = new AntdUI.Panel();
segmented1 = new AntdUI.Segmented();
- label1 = new Label();
@@ -73,8 +72,6 @@
- tabPage2.SuspendLayout();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).BeginInit();
@@ -139,6 +136,15 @@
pageHeader1.TabIndex = 7;
pageHeader1.Text = "UPH";
+ // label1
+ //
+ label1.AutoSize = true;
+ label1.Location = new Point(61, 10);
+ label1.Name = "label1";
+ label1.Size = new Size(64, 21);
+ label1.TabIndex = 1;
+ label1.Text = "100000";
+ //
// divider2
divider2.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
@@ -285,22 +291,11 @@
// tabPage2
- tabPage2.Controls.Add(pictureBox1);
tabPage2.Location = new Point(3, 28);
tabPage2.Name = "tabPage2";
tabPage2.Size = new Size(347, 469);
tabPage2.TabIndex = 0;
- tabPage2.Text = "统计";
- //
- // pictureBox1
- //
- pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
- pictureBox1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
- pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1";
- pictureBox1.Size = new Size(347, 469);
- pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
- pictureBox1.TabIndex = 0;
- pictureBox1.TabStop = false;
+ tabPage2.Text = "配置";
// divider1
@@ -401,15 +396,6 @@
segmented1.Text = "segmented1";
segmented1.SelectIndexChanged += segmented1_SelectIndexChanged;
- // label1
- //
- label1.AutoSize = true;
- label1.Location = new Point(61, 10);
- label1.Name = "label1";
- label1.Size = new Size(64, 21);
- label1.TabIndex = 1;
- label1.Text = "100000";
- //
// MainWindow
ClientSize = new Size(1024, 648);
@@ -438,8 +424,6 @@
- tabPage2.ResumeLayout(false);
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)pictureBox1).EndInit();
@@ -468,7 +452,6 @@
private AntdUI.TabPage tabPage2;
private AntdUI.Divider divider1;
private RichTextBox richTextBox1;
- private PictureBox pictureBox1;
private Label label1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DHSoftware/MainWindow.cs b/DHSoftware/MainWindow.cs
index ddf998d..cb7ad8a 100644
--- a/DHSoftware/MainWindow.cs
+++ b/DHSoftware/MainWindow.cs
@@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ namespace DHSoftware
//[Editor(typeof(ComplexCollectionEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
- RecongnitionLabel recongnition=new RecongnitionLabel
+ RecongnitionLabel recongnition = new RecongnitionLabel
- LabelName="youwu",
- LabelDescription="油污",
- LabelCategory="A_NG"
+ LabelName = "youwu",
+ LabelDescription = "油污",
+ LabelCategory = "A_NG"
RecongnitionLabel recongnition2 = new RecongnitionLabel
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
var det6 = new DetectionConfig("相机6", MLModelType.ObjectDetection, @"D:\PROJECTS\X015\Vision\Cam6.onnx", false, "Cam6");
var det7 = new DetectionConfig("相机7", MLModelType.ObjectDetection, @"D:\PROJECTS\X015\Vision\Cam7.onnx", false, "Cam7");
var det8 = new DetectionConfig("相机8", MLModelType.ObjectDetection, @"D:\PROJECTS\X015\Vision\Cam8.onnx", false, "Cam8");
- List CameraCollects=new List();
+ List CameraCollects = new List();
CameraCollects.Add(new RelatedCamera("Cam1"));
List CameraCollects2 = new List();
CameraCollects2.Add(new RelatedCamera("Cam2"));
@@ -420,24 +420,32 @@ namespace DHSoftware
- Do3ThinkCamera do3ThinkCamera1 = new Do3ThinkCamera();
+ //Do3ThinkCamera do3ThinkCamera1 = new Do3ThinkCamera();
- do3ThinkCamera1.dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.S_RAW8;
- do3ThinkCamera1.CameraName = "Cam1";
- do3ThinkCamera1.CameraConnect();
- do3ThinkCamera1.OnHImageOutput += OnCameraHImageOutput;
- Cameras.Add(do3ThinkCamera1);
- for (int i=2;i<=8;i++)
+ //do3ThinkCamera1.dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.S_RAW8;
+ //do3ThinkCamera1.CameraName = "Cam1";
+ //do3ThinkCamera1.CameraConnect();
+ //do3ThinkCamera1.OnHImageOutput += OnCameraHImageOutput;
+ // Cameras.Add(do3ThinkCamera1);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
- Do3ThinkCamera do3ThinkCamera2 = new Do3ThinkCamera();
- do3ThinkCamera2.dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.S_RGB24;
- do3ThinkCamera2.CameraName = $"Cam{i}";
- Cameras.Add(do3ThinkCamera2);
- do3ThinkCamera2.CameraConnect();
- do3ThinkCamera2.OnHImageOutput += OnCameraHImageOutput;
+ Do3ThinkCamera cam = new Do3ThinkCamera();
+ if (i == 1)
+ {
+ cam.dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.S_RAW8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cam.dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.S_RGB24;
+ }
+ cam.CameraName = $"Cam{i}";
+ Cameras.Add(cam);
+ cam.CameraConnect();
+ cam.OnHImageOutput += OnCameraHImageOutput;
@@ -445,24 +453,24 @@ namespace DHSoftware
DetectionConfigs.ForEach(detection =>
- detection.CameraCollects.ForEach(cam =>
- {
- List Dets = new List
- {
+ detection.CameraCollects.ForEach(cam =>
+ {
+ List Dets = new List
+ {
- };
- if (!_cameraRelatedDetectionDict.ContainsKey(cam.CameraSourceId))
- {
- _cameraRelatedDetectionDict.Add(cam.CameraSourceId, Dets);
- }
- else
- {
- _cameraRelatedDetectionDict[cam.CameraSourceId].Add(detection.Id);
- }
+ };
+ if (!_cameraRelatedDetectionDict.ContainsKey(cam.CameraSourceId))
+ {
+ _cameraRelatedDetectionDict.Add(cam.CameraSourceId, Dets);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _cameraRelatedDetectionDict[cam.CameraSourceId].Add(detection.Id);
+ }
- }
- );
+ }
+ );
string inferenceDevice = "CPU";
@@ -474,31 +482,39 @@ namespace DHSoftware
- bool resultOK =InitialSimboMLEnginesAsync();
+ bool resultOK = InitialSimboMLEnginesAsync();
if (resultOK)
- // return;
+ // return;
sLDMotion.AxisSettings = new List();
- AxisSetting axis1=new AxisSetting();
+ AxisSetting axis1 = new AxisSetting();
axis1.AxisIndex = 0;
axis1.AxisName = "转盘1";
axis1.IsAxisEnabled = true;
//axis1.AlarmLogic = AxisDirection.Positive;
- sLDMotion.IODefinitionCollection=new List();
+ sLDMotion.IODefinitionCollection = new List();
sLDMotion.SnapshotSettings = new List();
- int[] cameraPositions = { 7613, 24161, 33608, 39702, 45701 };
+ int[] cameraPositions = { 24161, 33608, 39702, 45701 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ sLDMotion.SnapshotSettings.Add(new SnapshotSetting
+ {
+ IsEnabled = true,
+ CameraIO = sLDMotion.IODefinitionCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IOType == IOType.OUTPUT && t.IOIndex == 13),
+ CameraPosition = 7613,
+ StationNumber = 0
+ });
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
sLDMotion.SnapshotSettings.Add(new SnapshotSetting
@@ -513,17 +529,20 @@ namespace DHSoftware
sLDMotion.BlowSettings = new List();
int[] BlowPositions = { 61353, 68566 };
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ sLDMotion.BlowSettings.Add(new BlowSetting
- sLDMotion.BlowSettings.Add(new BlowSetting
- {
- IsEnabled = true,
- BlowIO = sLDMotion.IODefinitionCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IOType == IOType.OUTPUT && t.IOIndex == i),
- BlowPosition = BlowPositions[i],
- StationNumber = 0
- });
- }
+ IsEnabled = true,
+ BlowIO = sLDMotion.IODefinitionCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IOType == IOType.OUTPUT && t.IOIndex == 5),
+ BlowPosition = BlowPositions[0],
+ StationNumber = 0
+ });
+ sLDMotion.BlowSettings.Add(new BlowSetting
+ {
+ IsEnabled = true,
+ BlowIO = sLDMotion.IODefinitionCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IOType == IOType.OUTPUT && t.IOIndex == 6),
+ BlowPosition = BlowPositions[1],
+ StationNumber = 0
+ });
//SnapshotSetting sna1 = new SnapshotSetting();
//sna1.IsEnabled = true;
@@ -536,23 +555,26 @@ namespace DHSoftware
// sLDMotion.SnapshotSettings.Add(sna1);
- // sLDMotion.Start();
+ sLDMotion.OnNewPieces -= MainMotion_NewPieces;
+ sLDMotion.OnNewPieces += MainMotion_NewPieces;
+ // sLDMotion.Start();
//PLC.IP = "";
//PLC.Port = 502;
//PLC.OnNewPieces -= MainMotion_NewPieces;
//PLC.OnNewPieces += MainMotion_NewPieces;
- ProductBaseCount = 2;
+ ProductBaseCount = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < ProductBaseCount * ProductListMulti; i++)
ConcurrentDictionary products = new ConcurrentDictionary();
- sLDMotion.AxisStop();
- bool e=sLDMotion.CArdReset();
- sLDMotion.JOGRun(10000, 100000);
- startTime =DateTime.Now;
+ sLDMotion.AxisStop();
+ bool e = sLDMotion.CArdReset();
+ //转盘速度
+ sLDMotion.JOGRun(14000, 100000);
+ startTime = DateTime.Now;
public void Motion(List iODefinitions)
@@ -583,7 +605,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
private int PieceNumberToIndex(uint pn)
// 物料编号,取余 集合数量
int ret = (int)(pn % (ProductBaseCount * ProductListMulti));
return ret;
@@ -598,7 +620,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
int index = PieceNumberToIndex(pieceNumber);
// productDatas.Add(pData);
//转盘2 的物料是不是重新覆盖之前的pDta
@@ -607,8 +629,9 @@ namespace DHSoftware
ProductData pData = new ProductData("", pieceNumber, ProductBaseCount);
_productLists[index][pieceNumber] = pData;
- string logStr = $"时间:{DateTime.Now} 轴{axisIndex}新产品{pieceNumber}加入队列{index}----入料计数{PieceCount}\n";
- Task.Run(() => {
+ string logStr = $"时间:{DateTime.Now} 轴{axisIndex}新产品{pieceNumber}加入队列{index}----入料计数{PieceCount}\n";
+ Task.Run(() =>
+ {
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate () { richTextBox1.AppendText(logStr); }));
@@ -622,7 +645,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
await Task.Run(() =>
- //OnUpdateCT?.Invoke(objData, ctTime);
+ //OnUpdateCT?.Invoke(objData, ctTime);
@@ -632,7 +655,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
//深度学习 模型加载
var resultOK = MLLoadModel();
- return resultOK;
+ return resultOK;
/// 深度学习 模型加载
@@ -645,56 +668,56 @@ namespace DHSoftware
SimboStationMLEngineList = new List();
// _cameraRelatedDetectionDict = IConfig.DetectionConfigs.Select(t => t.ModelPath).Distinct().ToList();
- DetectionConfigs.ForEach(dc =>
+ DetectionConfigs.ForEach(dc =>
//_cameraRelatedDetectionDict.ForEach(dc =>
- {
- if (dc.IsEnabled && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dc.ModelPath))
- {
- if (dc.IsEnableGPU)
- {
- //if (IIConfig.IsLockGPU)
- //{
- //foreach (var validGPU in ValidGPUList2)
- //{
- // if (validGPU.DetectionIds.Contains(dc.Id))
- // {
- var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, true, 0);
- SimboStationMLEngineList.Add(engine);
- // }
- //}
- //}
- //else
- //{
- // foreach (var validGPU in ValidGPUList)
- // {
- // //var validGPU = ValidGPUList.FirstOrDefault(u => u.DetectionIds.Contains(dc.Id));
- // if (validGPU.DetectionId == dc.Id)
- // {
- // var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, true, validGPU.GPUNo);
- // SimboStationMLEngineList.Add(engine);
- // }
- // }
- //}
+ {
- }
- else
- {
- //for (int i = 0; i < IConfig.CPUNums; i++)
- for (int i = 0; i <1; i++)
- {
- //var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, false, i);
- var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, false, i);
- SimboStationMLEngineList.Add(engine);
- }
- }
- }
- });
+ if (dc.IsEnabled && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dc.ModelPath))
+ {
+ if (dc.IsEnableGPU)
+ {
+ //if (IIConfig.IsLockGPU)
+ //{
+ //foreach (var validGPU in ValidGPUList2)
+ //{
+ // if (validGPU.DetectionIds.Contains(dc.Id))
+ // {
+ var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, true, 0);
+ SimboStationMLEngineList.Add(engine);
+ // }
+ //}
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ // foreach (var validGPU in ValidGPUList)
+ // {
+ // //var validGPU = ValidGPUList.FirstOrDefault(u => u.DetectionIds.Contains(dc.Id));
+ // if (validGPU.DetectionId == dc.Id)
+ // {
+ // var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, true, validGPU.GPUNo);
+ // SimboStationMLEngineList.Add(engine);
+ // }
+ // }
+ //}
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //for (int i = 0; i < IConfig.CPUNums; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
+ {
+ //var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, false, i);
+ var engine = SingleMLLoadModel(dc, false, i);
+ SimboStationMLEngineList.Add(engine);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
resultOK = true;
catch (Exception ex)
- // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Exception, $"异常:模型并发加载异常:{ex.GetExceptionMessage()}");
+ // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Exception, $"异常:模型并发加载异常:{ex.GetExceptionMessage()}");
resultOK = false;
@@ -761,7 +784,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
bool isSuccess = mLEngineSet.StationMLEngine.Load(mLInit);
if (!isSuccess)
- // throw new ProcessException("异常:模型加载异常", null);
+ // throw new ProcessException("异常:模型加载异常", null);
//LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"模型加载成功;是否GPU:{isGPU} CoreInx:{coreInx} - {dc.Name}" + $" {dc.ModelType.GetEnumDescription()}:{dc.ModelPath}");
@@ -785,9 +808,9 @@ namespace DHSoftware
if (!c.IsEnabled)
- if(c.HalconAlgorithemPath_Pre!=null)
+ if (c.HalconAlgorithemPath_Pre != null)
@@ -795,7 +818,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
if (!HalconToolDict.ContainsKey(path))
string algorithemPath = path;
@@ -817,7 +840,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
- public void PreTreated(DetectionConfig detectConfig, DetectStationResult detectResult,Mat MhImage)
+ public void PreTreated(DetectionConfig detectConfig, DetectStationResult detectResult, Mat MhImage)
@@ -828,10 +851,10 @@ namespace DHSoftware
HObject obj = OpenCVHelper.MatToHImage(MhImage);
HImage hImage = HalconHelper.ConvertHObjectToHImage(obj);
- string toolKey = detectConfig.HalconAlgorithemPath_Pre;
+ string toolKey = detectConfig.HalconAlgorithemPath_Pre;
if (!HalconToolDict.ContainsKey(toolKey))
- // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Exception, $"{detectConfig.Name}未获取预处理算法");
+ // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Exception, $"{detectConfig.Name}未获取预处理算法");
//Mean_Thre Deviation_Thre Mean_standard Deviation_standard
@@ -851,11 +874,11 @@ namespace DHSoftware
if (!tool.RunProcedure(out string errorMsg, out _))
- // detectResult.PreTreatedFlag = false;
+ // detectResult.PreTreatedFlag = false;
detectResult.IsPreTreatDone = false;
@@ -883,37 +906,37 @@ namespace DHSoftware
detectResult.ResultState = ResultState.DetectNG;
detectResult.IsPreTreatNG = true;
// if (detectResult.VisionImageSet.PreTreatedFlag)
//detectResult.VisionImageSet.MLImage = tool.GetResultObject("OUTPUT_PreTreatedImage");
- // detectResult.VisionImageSet.DetectionResultImage = detectResult.VisionImageSet.MLImage.ConvertHImageToBitmap();
+ // detectResult.VisionImageSet.DetectionResultImage = detectResult.VisionImageSet.MLImage.ConvertHImageToBitmap();
- // detectResult.VisionImageSet.DetectionResultImage = detectResult.VisionImageSet.MLImage.ConvertHImageToBitmap();
+ // detectResult.VisionImageSet.DetectionResultImage = detectResult.VisionImageSet.MLImage.ConvertHImageToBitmap();
catch (Exception ex)
//detectResult.VisionImageSet.HImage = null;
- // MhImage?.Dispose();
+ // MhImage?.Dispose();
//MhImage = null;
/// 相机回调
@@ -923,6 +946,16 @@ namespace DHSoftware
private void OnCameraHImageOutput(DateTime dt, CameraBase camera, Mat imageSet)
+ //if (camera.CameraName.Equals("cam1", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ //{
+ // Console.WriteLine();
+ //}
+ //if (camera.CameraName.Equals("cam2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ //{
+ // Console.WriteLine();
+ //}
// 获取该相机的拍照计数
uint productNumber = (uint)camera.SnapshotCount;
@@ -930,7 +963,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
using (Mat localImageSet = imageSet.Clone()) // 复制 Mat 避免并发问题
- // imageSet?.Dispose();
+ // imageSet?.Dispose();
// 拍照计数与物件编号一致,查找对应的产品
ProductData product = null;
@@ -939,52 +972,87 @@ namespace DHSoftware
// 找到产品存放在哪个队列里
ConcurrentDictionary tmpDic = _productLists[index];
- try
- {
- int retryTimes = 100;
- while (product == null && retryTimes > 0)
+ try
- if (tmpDic.ContainsKey(productNumber))
+ int retryTimes = 100;
+ while (product == null && retryTimes > 0)
- product = tmpDic[productNumber];
+ if (tmpDic.ContainsKey(productNumber))
+ {
+ product = tmpDic[productNumber];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Thread.Sleep(20);
+ await Task.Delay(20);
+ }
+ retryTimes--;
- else
+ // 如果产品为空,则销毁图片,提示错误
+ if (null == product)
- Thread.Sleep(20);
- }
- retryTimes--;
- }
- // 如果产品为空,则销毁图片,提示错误
- if (null == product)
- {
- List pnList = tmpDic.Keys.ToList();
+ List pnList = tmpDic.Keys.ToList();
- string pnStr = "";
- if (pnList != null && pnList.Count > 0)
- {
- pnStr = string.Join(",", pnList);
+ string pnStr = "";
+ if (pnList != null && pnList.Count > 0)
+ {
+ pnStr = string.Join(",", pnList);
+ }
+ //LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Error, $"{camera.Name} 未找到产品,编号:{productNumber},队列{index}数量:{tmpDic.Count},列表:{pnStr}");
+ localImageSet.Dispose();
+ this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
+ {
+ int currentScrollPosition = richTextBox1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.TextLength).Y;
+ richTextBox1.AppendText(productNumber + "提前推出" + camera.CameraName);
+ // 设置回原来的滚动位置
+ richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
+ richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret();
+ }));
+ //重新生成实例 销毁之前的实例
+ using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("D://123log.txt", true, Encoding.UTF8))
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(productNumber + "提前推出" + camera.CameraName);
+ }
+ return;
- //LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Error, $"{camera.Name} 未找到产品,编号:{productNumber},队列{index}数量:{tmpDic.Count},列表:{pnStr}");
- localImageSet.Dispose();
- return;
- }
+ // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 找到产品{productNumber},队列{index}数量:{tmpDic.Count}");
- // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 找到产品{productNumber},队列{index}数量:{tmpDic.Count}");
+ if (!_cameraRelatedDetectionDict.ContainsKey(camera.CameraName))
+ {
- if (!_cameraRelatedDetectionDict.ContainsKey(camera.CameraName))
- {
+ localImageSet.Dispose();
+ this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
+ {
- localImageSet.Dispose();
- // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Warning, $"{camera.Name} 找到产品{productNumber},但是没有推理1");
+ int currentScrollPosition = richTextBox1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.TextLength).Y;
- return;
- }
+ richTextBox1.AppendText(productNumber+"提前推出" + camera.CameraName);
+ // 设置回原来的滚动位置
+ richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
+ richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret();
+ }));
+ //重新生成实例 销毁之前的实例
+ using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("D://123log.txt", true, Encoding.UTF8))
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(productNumber+"提前推出" + camera.CameraName);
+ }
+ // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Warning, $"{camera.Name} 找到产品{productNumber},但是没有推理1");
+ return;
+ }
- double totalTime = 0.0;
- List resultStates = new List();
- List? detectionDict = _cameraRelatedDetectionDict[camera.CameraName];
+ double totalTime = 0.0;
+ List resultStates = new List();
+ List? detectionDict = _cameraRelatedDetectionDict[camera.CameraName];
for (int i = 0; i < detectionDict.Count; i++)
@@ -1062,14 +1130,14 @@ namespace DHSoftware
req.ResizeHeight = (int)detectConfig.ModelHeight;
// req.LabelNames = detectConfig.GetLabelNames();
// req.Score = IIConfig.Score;
+ req.mImage = inferenceImage.Clone();
req.in_lable_path = detectConfig.in_lable_path;
req.confThreshold = detectConfig.ModelconfThreshold;
req.iouThreshold = 0.3f;
req.segmentWidth = 320;
+ req.out_node_name = "output0";
switch (detectConfig.ModelType)
case MLModelType.ImageClassification:
@@ -1117,14 +1185,14 @@ namespace DHSoftware
//var result = Dectection[detectionId].RunInference(req);
//LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理进度1.1,产品{productNumber},耗时{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
pictureBox1.Image?.Dispose(); // 释放旧图像
pictureBox1.Image = result.ResultMap;
- richTextBox1.AppendText($"推理成功 {productNumber}, {result.IsSuccess} 耗时 {mlWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms\n");
+ richTextBox1.AppendText($"推理成功 {productNumber}, {result.IsSuccess}相机名字{camera.CameraName} 耗时 {mlWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms\n");
- req.mImage.Dispose();
+ req.mImage?.Dispose();
@@ -1247,67 +1315,80 @@ namespace DHSoftware
- product.InferenceOne(() =>
- {
- ;
- }, () =>
- {
- ;
- });
+ product.InferenceOne();
- // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理完成,产品{productNumber}");
+ // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理完成,产品{productNumber}");
- if (!product.InferenceFinished())
+ if (!product.InferenceFinished())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProductNum_Total++;
+ CalculateOEE();
+ this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
+ {
+ int currentScrollPosition = richTextBox1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.TextLength).Y;
+ richTextBox1.AppendText($"统计结果成功,{productNumber} 吹气!\n");
+ // 设置回原来的滚动位置
+ richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
+ richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret();
+ }));
+ #region 6. 统计产品结果
+ product.ProductResult = product.ResultCollection.Any(u => u.ResultState != ResultState.OK)
+ ? ResultState.B_NG
+ : ResultState.OK;
+ product.ProductLabelCategory = product.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription();
+ product.ProductLabel = product.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription();
+ #endregion
+ #region 7.产品吹气
+ #endregion
+ // 出列
+ ProductData temp = null;
+ int tryTimes = 10;
+ while (temp == null && tryTimes > 0)
+ {
+ if (tmpDic.TryRemove(productNumber, out temp))
- return;
+ break;
- ProductNum_Total++;
- CalculateOEE();
+ tryTimes--;
+ Thread.Sleep(5);
+ }
+ if (temp == null)
+ {
+ string logStr = $"{DateTime.Now}产品{productNumber}出列失败:true," +
+ $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}";
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
int currentScrollPosition = richTextBox1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.TextLength).Y;
- richTextBox1.AppendText($"统计结果成功,{productNumber} 吹气!\n");
+ richTextBox1.AppendText(logStr);
// 设置回原来的滚动位置
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
- #region 6. 统计产品结果
- product.ProductResult = product.ResultCollection.Any(u => u.ResultState != ResultState.OK)
- ? ResultState.B_NG
- : ResultState.OK;
- product.ProductLabelCategory = product.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription();
- product.ProductLabel = product.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription();
- #endregion
- #region 7.产品吹气
- #endregion
- // 出列
- ProductData temp = null;
- int tryTimes = 10;
- while (temp == null && tryTimes > 0)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
- if (tmpDic.TryRemove(productNumber, out temp))
- {
- break;
- }
- tryTimes--;
- Thread.Sleep(5);
- }
- if (temp == null)
- {
- string logStr = $"{DateTime.Now}产品{productNumber}出列失败:true," +
- $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}";
+ string logStr = $"{DateTime.Now}产品{productNumber}出列成功:true," +
+ $"产品结果:{temp.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription()}," +
+ $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}";
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
@@ -1319,61 +1400,42 @@ namespace DHSoftware
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
+ //重新生成实例 销毁之前的实例
+ var saveData = temp.GetProductData();
+ using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("D://123log.txt", true, Encoding.UTF8))
+ {
+ sw.WriteLine(logStr);
+ }
- else
+ catch (Exception) { }
+ finally
- try
- {
- string logStr = $"{DateTime.Now}产品{productNumber}出列成功:true," +
- $"产品结果:{temp.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription()}," +
- $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}";
- this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
- {
- int currentScrollPosition = richTextBox1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.TextLength).Y;
- richTextBox1.AppendText(logStr);
- // 设置回原来的滚动位置
- richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
- richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret();
- }));
- //重新生成实例 销毁之前的实例
- var saveData = temp.GetProductData();
- using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("D://123log.txt", true, Encoding.UTF8))
- {
- sw.WriteLine(logStr);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception) { }
- finally
- {
- // temp.Dispose();
- temp = null;
- }
+ // temp.Dispose();
+ temp = null;
- // UpdateCT((float)(dtNow - _ctTime).TotalSeconds);
- //_ctTime = dtNow;
- // });
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- //LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Error, $"流程检测未捕获的异常:{ex.GetExceptionMessage()}");
- product?.Dispose();
+ // UpdateCT((float)(dtNow - _ctTime).TotalSeconds);
+ //_ctTime = dtNow;
+ // });
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ //LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Error, $"流程检测未捕获的异常:{ex.GetExceptionMessage()}");
+ product?.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
- });
+ });
public void SetResult()
//// detectResult.IsPreTreatDone = detectResult.VisionImageSet.PreTreatedFlag
@@ -1397,19 +1459,20 @@ namespace DHSoftware
// Add the code for the "停止" button click here
- PLC.TurntableStop();
+ // PLC.TurntableStop();
CurrentMachine = true;
- public int UPH=0;
+ public int UPH = 0;
public void CalculateOEE()
TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - startTime;
- UPH = (int)(ProductNum_Total / timeSpan.TotalHours) + 100;
+ UPH = (int)(ProductNum_Total / timeSpan.TotalHours) + 100;
//UPM = (int)UPH / 60;
- this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate () {
- label1.Text = UPH.ToString();
+ this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
+ {
+ label1.Text = UPH.ToString();
diff --git a/DHSoftware/MainWindow.resx b/DHSoftware/MainWindow.resx
index 1e30dff..3511979 100644
--- a/DHSoftware/MainWindow.resx
+++ b/DHSoftware/MainWindow.resx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.Designer.cs b/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941dd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+namespace DHSoftware.Views
+ partial class UserConfigFrm
+ {
+ ///
+ /// 必需的设计器变量。
+ ///
+ private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
+ ///
+ /// 清理所有正在使用的资源。
+ ///
+ /// 如果应释放托管资源,为 true;否则为 false。
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing && (components != null))
+ {
+ components.Dispose();
+ }
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ #region 组件设计器生成的代码
+ ///
+ /// 设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要修改
+ /// 使用代码编辑器修改此方法的内容。
+ ///
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // UserConfigFrm
+ //
+ AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 17F);
+ AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
+ Name = "UserConfigFrm";
+ Size = new Size(749, 536);
+ ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
diff --git a/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.cs b/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d81922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+namespace DHSoftware.Views
+ public partial class UserConfigFrm : UserControl
+ {
+ public UserConfigFrm()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.resx b/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af32865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DHSoftware/Views/UserConfigFrm.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DHSoftware/productModel.cs b/DHSoftware/productModel.cs
index 317ed37..4fc7d20 100644
--- a/DHSoftware/productModel.cs
+++ b/DHSoftware/productModel.cs
@@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ namespace DHSoftware
- public void InferenceOne(Action preAction = null, Action postAction = null)
+ public void InferenceOne()
//lock (_inferenceLock)
// Interlocked.Decrement(ref InferenceLeft);
- preAction?.Invoke();
- postAction?.Invoke();
public bool InferenceFinished()