
This commit is contained in:
xhm\HP 2025-03-10 17:18:45 +08:00
parent 0314f4d403
commit e7736217db
17 changed files with 6712 additions and 299 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
@ -54,4 +55,492 @@ namespace DH.Commons.Enums
public enum StreamFormat
S_RAW8 = 0,
S_RAW10 = 1,
S_RAW12 = 2,
S_RAW14 = 3,
S_RAW16 = 4,
S_BGR24 = 10,
S_BGR32 = 11,
S_BGR48 = 12,
S_BGR64 = 13,
S_RGB24 = 14,
S_RGB32 = 15,
S_RGB48 = 16,
S_RGB64 = 17,
S_YCBCR_411 = 20,
S_YCBCR_422 = 21,
S_YCBCR_444 = 22,
S_MONO8 = 30,
S_MONO10 = 31,
S_MONO12 = 32,
S_MONO14 = 33,
S_MONO16 = 34,
S_B8_G8_R8 = 40,
S_B16_G16_R16 = 44
/// <summary>
/// 主板型号
/// </summary>
public enum BoardModelEnum
EC3216 = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 扩展板类型
/// </summary>
public enum ExtensionBoardEnum
/// <summary>
/// 转盘类型
/// </summary>
public enum MachineDiskType
SingleDisk = 1,
DoubleDisk = 2,
/// <summary>
/// 运动板卡 IO 类型IN OUT
/// </summary>
public enum IOType
INPUT = 0,
public enum IOValue
FALSE = 0,
TRUE = 1,
public enum RotationDirectionEnum
Clockwise = 0,
AntiClockwise = 1,
/// <summary>
/// IO预定义类型 主要针对输出
/// </summary>
public enum IOPrestatement
Customized = 0,
Light_Yellow = 1,
Light_Green = 2,
Light_Red = 3,
Beep = 4,
Light = 5,
EmergencyStop = 99,
/// <summary>
/// 相机信号IO输出模式
/// </summary>
public enum ActionMode
OpenCircuit = 1,
LowLevel = 2,
Reverse = 3,
OutputPulse500us = 5,
OutputPulse1ms = 6,
OutputPulse2ms = 9,
OutputPulse3ms = 10,
OutputPulse4ms = 11,
OutputPulse5ms = 12,
OutputPulse6ms = 13,
OutputPulse7ms = 14,
OutputPulse8ms = 15,
OutputPulse9ms = 16,
OutputPulse10ms = 17,
OutputPulse20ms = 18,
OutputPulse30ms = 19,
OutputPulse40ms = 20,
OutputPulse50ms = 21,
OutputPulse60ms = 22,
OutputPulse70ms = 23,
OutputPulse80ms = 24,
OutputPulse90ms = 25,
OutputPulse100ms = 26,
OutputPulse200ms = 27,
OutputPulse300ms = 28,
/// <summary>
/// 吹气信号IO输出模式
/// </summary>
public enum BlowType
/// <summary>
/// 来料检测位号,目前支持两路
/// </summary>
public enum BitInputNumberEnum
BitInput0 = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 电平
/// </summary>
public enum LogicLevelEnum
LowLevel = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 捕捉位置模式
/// </summary>
public enum PositionSourceEnum
CommandPosition = 0,
EncoderPosition = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 来料检测捕获位置
/// </summary>
public enum SortingInputPositionModeEnum
Front = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 回原点模式1
/// </summary>
public enum GoHomeMode
// Negative: 负极限、负方向
// Positive: 正极限、正方向
// NeL负限开关
// N
[Description("1 负极限:负限开关_中间:无_正极限:无_Index位置:负限位正边_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_N_Positive_N_Index_NePo_Offset_Po = 1,
[Description("2 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:正限开关_Index位置:正限位负边_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_Po_Index_PoNe_Offset_Ne = 2,
[Description("3 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:原点开关_Index位置:原点负边外侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_H_Index_HNeO_Offset_Ne = 3,
[Description("4 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:原点开关_Index位置:原点负边内侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_H_Index_HNeI_Offset_Po = 4,
[Description("5 负极限:原点开关_中间:无_正极限:无_Index位置:原点正边外侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_H_Center_N_Positive_N_Index_HPoO_Offset_Po = 5,
[Description("6 负极限:原点开关_中间:无_正极限:无_Index位置:原点正边内侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_H_Center_N_Positive_N_Index_HPoI_Offset_Ne = 6,
[Description("7 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_Index位置:原点负边外侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Index_HNeO_Offset_Ne = 7,
[Description("8 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_Index位置:原点负边内侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Index_HNeI_Offset_Po = 8,
[Description("9 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_Index位置:原点正边内侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Index_HPoI_Offset_Ne = 9,
[Description("10 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_Index位置:原点正边外侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Index_HPoO_Offset_Po = 10,
[Description("11 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_Index位置:原点正边外侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Index_HPoO_Offset_Po = 11,
[Description("12 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_Index位置:原点正边内侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Index_HPoI_Offset_Ne = 12,
[Description("13 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_Index位置:原点负边内侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Index_HNeI_Offset_Po = 13,
[Description("14 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_Index位置:原点负边外侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Index_HNeO_Offset_Ne = 14,
[Description("17 负极限:负限开关_中间:无_正极限:无_停止位置:负限位正边_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_N_Positive_N_Stop_NePo_Offset_Po = 17,
[Description("18 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:正限开关_停止位置:正极限负边_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_Po_Stop_PoNe_Offset_Ne = 18,
[Description("19 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:原点开关_停止位置:原点负边外侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_H_Stop_HNeO_Offset_Ne = 19,
[Description("20 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:原点开关_停止位置:原点负边内侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_H_Stop_HNeI_Offset_Po = 20,
[Description("21 负极限:原点开关_中间:无_正极限:无_停止位置:原点正边外侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_H_Center_N_Positive_N_Stop_HPoO_Offset_Po = 21,
[Description("22 负极限:原点开关_中间:无_正极限:无_停止位置:原点正边内侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_H_Center_N_Positive_N_Stop_HPoI_Offset_Ne = 22,
[Description("23 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_停止位置:原点负边外侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Stop_HNeO_Offset_Ne = 23,
[Description("24 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_停止位置:原点负边内侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Stop_HNeI_Offset_Po = 24,
[Description("25 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_停止位置:原点正边内侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Stop_HPoI_Offset_Ne = 25,
[Description("26 负极限:无_中间:原点开关_正极限:正限开关_停止位置:原点正边外侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_N_Center_H_Positive_Po_Stop_HPoO_Offset_Po = 26,
[Description("27 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_停止位置:原点正边外侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Stop_HPoO_Offset_Ne = 27,
[Description("28 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_停止位置:原点正边内侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Stop_HPoI_Offset_Po = 28,
[Description("29 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_停止位置:原点负边内侧_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Stop_HNeI_Offset_Ne = 29,
[Description("30 负极限:负限开关_中间:原点开关_正极限:无_停止位置:原点负边外侧_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_Ne_Center_H_Positive_N_Stop_HNeO_Offset_Po = 30,
[Description("33 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:无_Index位置:负方向Index_偏移:负方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_N_Index_NeIndex_Offset_Ne = 33,
[Description("34 负极限:无_中间:无_正极限:无_Index位置:正方向Index_偏移:正方向")]
Negative_N_Center_N_Positive_N_Index_PoIndex_Offset_Po = 34,
/// <summary>
/// 马达/运动板卡运行模式
/// </summary>
public enum MotionMode
/// <summary>
/// 普通点位运动
/// </summary>
P2P = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 找正限位运动
/// </summary>
FindPositive = 4,
/// <summary>
/// 离开正限位
/// </summary>
LeavePositive = 5,
/// <summary>
/// 找负限位运动
/// </summary>
FindNegative = 6,
/// <summary>
/// 离开负限位
/// </summary>
LeaveNegative = 7,
/// <summary>
/// 找原点运动
/// </summary>
GoHome = 8,
/// <summary>
/// Jog模式
/// </summary>
Jog = 9,
///// <summary>
///// 读数头找原点方式
///// </summary>
//FindOriIndex = 10,
///// <summary>
///// 插补模式
///// </summary>
//Coordinate = 11

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@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace XKRS.Common.Model.SolidMotionCard
/// <summary>
/// 回零状态
/// </summary>
public enum SearchHomeState
/// <summary>
/// 回零成功
/// </summary>
HomeSucess = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 回零错误
/// </summary>
HomeError = 31,
/// <summary>
/// 正在回零点
/// </summary>
Homing = 32,
/// <summary>
/// 0.3 坐标模式
/// </summary>
public enum PositionMode
/// <summary>
/// 绝对位置模式
/// </summary>
Position_Absolute = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 相对位置模式
/// </summary>
Position_Opposite = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 0.4 单轴点动曲线类型
/// </summary>
public enum Profile
/// <summary>
/// T型曲线
/// </summary>
Profile_T = 0,
/// <summary>
/// S型曲线
/// </summary>
Profile_S = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 3.1 伺服使能设置
/// </summary>
public enum ServoLogic
/// <summary>
/// 触点闭合
/// </summary>
Servo_Close = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 触点打开
/// </summary>
Servo_Open = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 3.2 报警复位电平设置
/// </summary>
public enum AlarmLogic
/// <summary>
/// 触点闭合
/// </summary>
Alarm_Close = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 触点打开
/// </summary>
Alarm_Open = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 3.6
/// </summary>
public enum HomeState
/// <summary>
/// 触点闭合,硬件灯亮
/// </summary>
Home_Close = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 触点打开,硬件灯灭
/// </summary>
Home_Open = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 4.1 脉冲模式
/// </summary>
public enum PulseMode
/// <summary>
/// 脉冲方向(默认)
/// </summary>
Pulse_Dir_H = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 脉冲方向
/// </summary>
Pulse_Dir_L = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 双脉冲
/// </summary>
Pulse_CW_CCW = 2,
/// <summary>
/// 双脉冲
/// </summary>
Pulse_CCW_CW = 3,
/// <summary>
/// AB相位
/// </summary>
Pulse_AB = 4,
/// <summary>
/// AB相位
/// </summary>
Pulse_BA = 5,
//5.1 EMG_Mode
public enum EMG_Mode
EMG_Trigger_Close = 0, //不使用紧急停止功能
EMG_Trigger_Low_IMD = 1, //低电平触发紧急停止
EMG_Trigger_Low_DEC = 2,//低电平触发减速停止
EMG_Trigger_High_IMD = 3, //高电平触发紧急停止
/// <summary>
/// 6.1.1 正负限位触发电平
/// </summary>
public enum LimitLogic
/// <summary>
/// 低电平触发
/// </summary>
Low_Logic = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 高电平触发
/// </summary>
High_Logic = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 6.1.2 回零限位触发电平
/// </summary>
public enum HomeLogic
/// <summary>
/// 低电平触发
/// </summary>
Low_Logic = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 高电平触发
/// </summary>
High_Logic = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 6.1.3 Index触发电平
/// </summary>
public enum IndexLogic
/// <summary>
/// 低电平触发
/// </summary>
Low_Logic = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 高电平触发
/// </summary>
High_Logic = 1,

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using DH.Commons.Enums;
using DVPCameraType;
using OpenCvSharp;
@ -21,8 +21,12 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
public string SerialNumber { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string CameraName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public dvpStreamFormat dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.S_RGB24;
public string CameraIP { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string ComputerIP { get; set; } = string.Empty;
// public StreamFormat dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.;
public dvpStreamFormat dvpStreamFormat = dvpStreamFormat.S_RGB24;
[Description("是否传感器直接硬触发。true传感器硬触发不通过软件触发false通过软件触发IO 的硬触发模式")]

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@ -11,15 +12,28 @@
<Compile Include="CameraBase.cs" />
<Compile Include="Do3ThinkCamera.cs" />
<Compile Include="HikVisionCamera.cs" />
<PackageReference Include="OpenCvSharp4" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="OpenCvSharp4.runtime.win" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Drawing.Common" Version="9.0.2" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\DH.Commons\DH.Commons.csproj" />
<Reference Include="DVPCameraCS64">
<Reference Include="MvCameraControl.Net">

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
throw new Exception($"Create device failed:{nRet:x8}");
nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTargetFormat(m_handle, dvpStreamFormat);
nRet = DVPCamera.dvpSetTargetFormat(m_handle, (dvpStreamFormat)dvpStreamFormat);
if (dvpStatus.DVP_STATUS_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Set image format failed:{nRet:x8}");
@ -308,6 +308,8 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
public int ImageCallbackFunc(uint handle, dvpStreamEvent _event, IntPtr pContext, ref dvpFrame refFrame, IntPtr pBuffer)
Mat cvImage = new Mat();
@ -316,8 +318,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
int nWidth = refFrame.iWidth;
int nHeight = refFrame.iHeight;
Mat cvImage = new Mat();
// 根据图像格式创建Mat
switch (refFrame.format)
@ -337,7 +338,8 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported format: {refFrame.format}");
OnHImageOutput?.Invoke(DateTime.Now, this, cvImage);
Mat smat = cvImage.Clone();
OnHImageOutput?.Invoke(DateTime.Now, this, smat);
@ -348,6 +350,10 @@ namespace DH.Devices.Camera
catch (Exception ex)
return 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using OpenCvSharp;
using MvCamCtrl.NET;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using DH.Commons.Enums;
using static MvCamCtrl.NET.MyCamera;
namespace DH.Devices.Camera
public class HikVisionCamera : CameraBase
readonly MyCamera cameraObj = new MyCamera();
MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo = new MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO();
int nRet = MyCamera.MV_OK;
MyCamera.cbExceptiondelegate pCallBackFunc;
public MyCamera.cbOutputExdelegate ImageCallback;
MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT _frame = new MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT();
readonly ManualResetEvent _snapHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
bool _snapFlag = false;
public HikVisionCamera()
public override bool CameraConnect()
pCallBackFunc = new MyCamera.cbExceptiondelegate(cbExceptiondelegate);
#region IP连接相机
stDevInfo.nTLayerType = MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE;
var parts = CameraIP.Split('.');
int nIp1 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[0]);
int nIp2 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]);
int nIp3 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2]);
int nIp4 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[3]);
stGigEDev.nCurrentIp = (uint)((nIp1 << 24) | (nIp2 << 16) | (nIp3 << 8) | nIp4);
parts = ComputerIP.Split('.');
nIp1 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[0]);
nIp2 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]);
nIp3 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[2]);
nIp4 = Convert.ToInt32(parts[3]);
stGigEDev.nNetExport = (uint)((nIp1 << 24) | (nIp2 << 16) | (nIp3 << 8) | nIp4);
IntPtr stGigeInfoPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(216);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(stGigEDev, stGigeInfoPtr, false);
stDevInfo.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo = new Byte[540];
Marshal.Copy(stGigeInfoPtr, stDevInfo.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo, 0, 540);
// ch:创建设备 | en: Create device
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_CreateDevice_NET(ref stDevInfo);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Create device failed:{nRet:x8}");
// ch:打开设备 | en:Open device
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_OpenDevice_NET();
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Open device failed:{nRet:x8}");
// ch:探测网络最佳包大小(只对GigE相机有效) | en:Detection network optimal package size(It only works for the GigE camera)
if (stDevInfo.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE)
int nPacketSize = cameraObj.MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize_NET();
if (nPacketSize > 0)
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetIntValue_NET("GevSCPSPacketSize", (uint)nPacketSize);
if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
Console.WriteLine("Warning: Set Packet Size failed {0:x8}", nRet);
Console.WriteLine("Warning: Get Packet Size failed {0:x8}", nPacketSize);
// ch:注册异常回调函数 | en:Register Exception Callback
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_RegisterExceptionCallBack_NET(pCallBackFunc, IntPtr.Zero);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Register expection callback failed:{nRet}");
// ch:设置采集连续模式 | en:Set Continues Aquisition Mode
cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("AcquisitionMode", 2);// ch:工作在连续模式 | en:Acquisition On Continuous Mode
//if (IIConfig.IsContinueMode)
// cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", 0); // ch:连续模式 | en:Continuous
// // ch:注册回调函数 | en:Register image callback
// ImageCallback = new MyCamera.cbOutputExdelegate(ImageCallbackFunc);
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx_NET(ImageCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception("Register image callback failed!");
// }
// ch:设置触发模式为off || en:set trigger mode as off
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", 1);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception("Set TriggerMode failed!");
//if (IIConfig.IsHardwareTrigger)
// ch:触发源选择:0 - Line0; | en:Trigger source select:0 - Line0;
// 1 - Line1;
// 2 - Line2;
// 3 - Line3;
// 4 - Counter;
// 7 - Software;
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 0);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception("Set Line0 Trigger failed!");
// ch:注册回调函数 | en:Register image callback
ImageCallback = new MyCamera.cbOutputExdelegate(ImageCallbackFunc);
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx_NET(ImageCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception("Register image callback failed!");
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 7);
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception("Set Software Trigger failed!");
// }
// ch:开启抓图 || en: start grab image
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_StartGrabbing_NET();
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Start grabbing failed:{nRet:x8}");
//if (IConfig.DefaultExposure != 0)
// cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("ExposureAuto", 0);
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetFloatValue_NET("ExposureTime", IConfig.DefaultExposure);
// if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
// {
// throw new Exception($"Exposure set failed:{nRet}");
// }
//if (IIConfig.Gain >= 0)
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetFloatValue_NET("Gain", IIConfig.Gain);
// if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
// {
// throw new Exception($"Gain set failed:{nRet}");
// }
// 设置 触发延迟
//if (IIConfig.TriggerDelay > 0)
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetFloatValue_NET("TriggerDelay", IIConfig.TriggerDelay);
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception("Set TriggerDelay failed!");
// }
//if (IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime > 0)
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetIntValue_NET("LineDebouncerTime", (uint)IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime);
// if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
// {
// throw new Exception($"LineDebouncerTime set failed:{nRet}");
// }
//IIConfig.PropertyChanged -= IIConfig_PropertyChanged;
//IIConfig.PropertyChanged += IIConfig_PropertyChanged;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
private void IIConfig_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
//if (e.PropertyName == "IsHardwareTrigger" && !IIConfig.IsContinueMode)
// // ch:停止抓图 | en:Stop grab image
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_StopGrabbing_NET();
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception($"Stop grabbing failed{nRet:x8}");
// }
// if (IIConfig.IsHardwareTrigger)
// {
// // ch:触发源选择:0 - Line0; | en:Trigger source select:0 - Line0;
// // 1 - Line1;
// // 2 - Line2;
// // 3 - Line3;
// // 4 - Counter;
// // 7 - Software;
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 0);
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception("Set Line0 Trigger failed!");
// }
// // ch:注册回调函数 | en:Register image callback
// ImageCallback = new MyCamera.cbOutputExdelegate(ImageCallbackFunc);
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx_NET(ImageCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception("Register image callback failed!");
// }
// }
// else
// {
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 7);
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception("Set Software Trigger failed!");
// }
// }
// // ch:开启抓图 || en: start grab image
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_StartGrabbing_NET();
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception($"Start grabbing failed:{nRet:x8}");
// }
// if (IConfig.DefaultExposure != 0)
// {
// cameraObj.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("ExposureAuto", 0);
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetFloatValue_NET("ExposureTime", IConfig.DefaultExposure);
// if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
// {
// throw new Exception($"Exposure set failed:{nRet}");
// }
// }
// if (IIConfig.Gain >= 0)
// {
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetFloatValue_NET("Gain", IIConfig.Gain);
// if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
// {
// throw new Exception($"Gain set failed:{nRet}");
// }
// }
// // 设置 触发延迟
// if (IIConfig.TriggerDelay > 0)
// {
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetFloatValue_NET("TriggerDelay", IIConfig.TriggerDelay);
// if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// {
// throw new Exception("Set TriggerDelay failed!");
// }
// }
// if (IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime > 0)
// {
// nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_SetIntValue_NET("LineDebouncerTime", (uint)IIConfig.LineDebouncerTime);
// if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
// {
// throw new Exception($"LineDebouncerTime set failed:{nRet}");
// }
// }
public override bool CameraDisConnect()
//IIConfig.PropertyChanged -= IIConfig_PropertyChanged;
// ch:停止抓图 | en:Stop grab image
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_StopGrabbing_NET();
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Stop grabbing failed{nRet:x8}");
// ch:关闭设备 | en:Close device
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_CloseDevice_NET();
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Close device failed{nRet:x8}");
// ch:销毁设备 | en:Destroy device
nRet = cameraObj.MV_CC_DestroyDevice_NET();
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
throw new Exception($"Destroy device failed:{nRet:x8}");
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false ;
void ImageCallbackFunc(IntPtr pData, ref MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, IntPtr pUser)
Mat cvImage = new Mat();
Interlocked.Increment(ref SnapshotCount);
int nWidth = pFrameInfo.nWidth;
int nHeight = pFrameInfo.nHeight;
switch (pFrameInfo.enPixelType)
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG8:
cvImage = Mat.FromPixelData(nHeight, nWidth, MatType.CV_8UC1, pData);
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed:
cvImage = Mat.FromPixelData(nHeight, nWidth, MatType.CV_8UC3, pData);
Cv2.CvtColor(cvImage, cvImage, ColorConversionCodes.RGB2BGR);
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGR8_Packed:
cvImage = Mat.FromPixelData(nHeight, nWidth, MatType.CV_8UC3, pData);
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8:
cvImage = Mat.FromPixelData(nHeight, nWidth, MatType.CV_8UC1, pData);
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported pixel type: {pFrameInfo.enPixelType}");
OnHImageOutput?.Invoke(DateTime.Now, this, cvImage);
catch (Exception ex)
public MvGvspPixelType GetMvGvspPixelType(StreamFormat streamFormat)
switch (streamFormat)
// 原始数据格式映射
case StreamFormat.S_RAW8:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8;
case StreamFormat.S_RAW10:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_RAW12:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_RAW14:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono14;
case StreamFormat.S_RAW16:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono16;
// RGB/BGR格式映射
case StreamFormat.S_BGR24:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGR8_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_BGR32:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGRA8_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_RGB24:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_RGB32:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGBA8_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_BGR48:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGR10_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_RGB48:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB16_Packed;
// YUV格式映射
case StreamFormat.S_YCBCR_411:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR411_8_CBYYCRYY;
case StreamFormat.S_YCBCR_422:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YUV422_YUYV_Packed;
case StreamFormat.S_YCBCR_444:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YUV444_Packed;
// 灰度图像映射
case StreamFormat.S_MONO8:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8;
case StreamFormat.S_MONO10:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10;
case StreamFormat.S_MONO12:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12;
case StreamFormat.S_MONO14:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono14;
case StreamFormat.S_MONO16:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono16;
// 特殊格式映射
case StreamFormat.S_B8_G8_R8:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Planar;
case StreamFormat.S_B16_G16_R16:
return MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB16_Planar;
throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported stream format: {streamFormat}");
// ch:回调函数 | en:Callback function
private void cbExceptiondelegate(uint nMsgType, IntPtr pUser)
// if (CurrentState != EnumHelper.DeviceState.DSClose)
// {
// int reTryTimes = 3;
// do
// {
// try
// {
// Task.Delay(1000).Wait();
// Stop();
// Start();
// reTryTimes = -1;
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// reTryTimes--;
// if (reTryTimes > 0)
// {
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{this.Name}重新连接异常,{ex.GetExceptionMessage()}");
// }
// else
// {
// throw ex;
// }
// }
// } while (reTryTimes > 0);
// }

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="MCDLL_NET.cs" />
<Compile Include="MCDLL_NET_Code.cs" />
<Compile Include="MCDLL_NET_SORTING.cs" />
<Compile Include="MotionBase.cs" />
<Compile Include="SLDMotion.cs" />
<Compile Include="SolidMotionCardEnum.cs" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\DH.Commons\DH.Commons.csproj" />

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@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
1 ,
2 10,
3 便使
4 OK与NG占用同一个通道
namespace MCDLL_NET
///// <summary>
///// </summary>
//public static class SolidMotionCardRetCode
// public const int RetOK = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 轴停止模式
/// </summary>
public static class AxisStopMode
/// <summary>
/// 紧急停止
/// </summary>
public const int AxisStopIMD = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 减速停止
/// </summary>
public const int AxisStopDEC = 1;
public class CMCDLL_NET
//1.0 网络并联模式设置函数(打开卡前设置) 宏定义1.0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Switch_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Switch_State_Net(ushort Mode = 0);
// 网卡设置函数(打开卡前设置)
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Card_Number_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Card_Number_Net(ushort Card_Number = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Card_Number_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Card_Number_Net(ref ushort Card_Number);
//1.1 初始化函数 [1,100] [0,99] 宏定义1.1
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Open_Net(ushort Connection_Number, ref ushort Station_Number, ref ushort Station_Type);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Open_Net(ref ushort Connection_Number, ref ushort Station_Number, ref ushort Station_Type);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Close_Net();
//1.2 链接超时紧急停止函数 [0,60000]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Link_TimeOut_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Link_TimeOut_Net(uint Time_1MS, uint TimeOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 链接超时紧急停止触发使能函数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Trigger_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Trigger_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//1.3 链接监测函数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Link_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Link_State_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.1 通用IO全部输出函数 [OUT31,OUT0] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Net(uint All_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Output_Net(ref uint All_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.2 通用IO按位输出函数 宏定义2.3.1 宏定义2.3.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ref ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.3 通用IO输出复用1按位输出保持时间函数 宏定义2.3.1 宏定义2.3.2 [0,65535] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Time_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Time_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort Output_Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 通用IO输出复用2按位置输出保持时间函数 宏定义2.3.1 [0,1000] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Compare_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Compare_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Compare_Output_Number, ushort Compare_Output_1MS, ushort Compare_dDist, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.4 通用IO全部输入函数 [Input31,Input0] [Input48,Input32] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Net(ref uint All_Input_Logic1, ref uint All_Input_Logic2, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.5 通用IO按位输入函数 宏定义2.4.1 宏定义2.4.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref ushort Bit_Input_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.6 通用IO按位输入下升沿高速捕获清除函数 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Input_Fall_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Input_Fall_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.7 通用IO按位输入下升沿高速捕获读取函数 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] 宏定义2.7 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref ushort Bit_Input_Fall, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.9 通用IO按位输入下升沿高速计数读取函数 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] [0,(2^32-1)] 10个最新编码器锁存数据 &Array[10] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Count_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Fall_Count_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref uint Input_Count_Fall, ref uint Lock_Data_Buffer, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.10 通用IO按位输入数据锁存保持(最近10个下升沿数据)打开函数(必须在MCF_Open_Net前面提前调用)
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Open_Input_Lock_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Open_Input_Lock_Bit_Net(ushort Lock_Mode = 0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.11 通用IO按位输入滤波函数 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3] [1,100]MS [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Input_Filter_Time_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Input_Filter_Time_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, uint Filter_Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.1 伺服使能设置函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.1 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Servo_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Servo_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Servo_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.2 伺服报警复位设置函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Alarm_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Alarm_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.3 伺服报警输入获取函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_Alarm_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.4 伺服定位完成输入获取函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_INP_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_INP_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_INP_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.5 编码器Z相输入获取函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.5 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Z_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Z_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Z_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.6 原点输入获取函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.6 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Home_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.7 正限位输入获取函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.7 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Positive_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Positive_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Positive_Limit_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.8 负限位输入获取函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.8 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Negative_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Negative_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Negative_Limit_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.1 脉冲通道输出设置函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义4.1 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Pulse_Mode_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Pulse_Mode_Net(ushort Axis, uint Pulse_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Pulse_Mode_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Pulse_Mode_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Pulse_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.2 位置设置函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Position_Net(ushort Axis, int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.3 编码器设置函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 通过Z相清除AB编码器值
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Z_Clear_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Z_Clear_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 通过Z相后固定距离输出IO 宏定义0.0 [0,255] [0,65535] [0,255]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Z_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Z_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Number, uint dDist, ushort Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.4 速度获取 宏定义0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)] [-2^15,(2^15-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Vel_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Vel_Net(ushort Axis, ref double Command_Vel, ref double Encode_Vel, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.1 5.1 通用IO输入复用做为紧急停止函数 宏定义2.4.1 宏定义5.1 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Bit_Net(ushort EMG_Input_Number, ushort EMG_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Net(ushort EMG_Input_Number, ushort EMG_Mode, uint EMG_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Enable_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 通用IO输入复用做为触发停止 [0,3] 宏定义0.0 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_15] 宏定义5.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Input_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Input_Trigger_Net(ushort Channel, ushort Axis, ushort Bit_Input_Number, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Trigger_Net(ushort Channel, ref ushort Axis, ref ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.2 软件限位触发运动停止函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,2^31]P > [-2^31,2^31]P [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, int Positive_Position, int Negative_Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Positive_Position, ref int Negative_Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.3 软件限位触发运动停止开关函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义5.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, uint Soft_Limit_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Soft_Limit_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Soft_Limit_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.4 伺服报警触发运动停止函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义5.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Alarm_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Alarm_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Alarm_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Alarm_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.5 Index触发运动停止函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义5.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Index_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Index_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Index_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Index_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.6 原点触发运动停止函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义5.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Home_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Home_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.7 正限位触发运动停止函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义5.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_ELP_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_ELP_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_ELP_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_ELP_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.8 负限位触发运动停止函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义5.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_ELN_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_ELN_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_ELN_Trigger_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_ELN_Trigger_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Trigger_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.9 原点触发位置记录函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Rise_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Rise_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Fall_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Fall_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Rise_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Rise_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Home_Fall_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Home_Fall_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.10 轴状态清除函数 宏定义0.0 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Axis_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Axis_State_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.11 轴状态触发停止运动查询函数 宏定义0.0 MC_Retrun.h[0,28] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_State_Net(ushort Axis, ref short Reason, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.1 设置回零参数 宏定义0.0 [1,65535] [1,65535]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_dMaxA_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_dMaxA_Time_Net(ushort Axis, ushort H_dMaxA_Time = 10, ushort L_dMaxA_Time = 10, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 宏定义0.0 [1,35] 宏定义6.1.1 宏定义6.1.2 宏定义6.1.3 (0,10M]P/S (0,10M]P/S [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Set_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Set_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Search_Home_Mode, ushort Limit_Logic, ushort Home_Logic, ushort Index_Logic, double H_dMaxV, double L_dMaxV, int Offset_Position, ushort Trigger_Source, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.2 设置回零启动 宏定义0.0 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Start_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Start_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.3 设置回零停止 宏定义0.0 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.4 获取回零状态 宏定义0.0 MC_Retrun.h{0,31,32} [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Get_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Get_State_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Home_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.5 设置回零缓停时间 宏定义0.0 [0,1000] 单位ms [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Stop_Time_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Stop_Time, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.6 设置回零完成后保持位置值 宏定义0.0 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.7 设置回零完成后保持编码器值 宏定义0.0 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Keep_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//6.8 设置回零在零点位置离开速度 宏定义0.0 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Search_Home_Leave_Vel_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Search_Home_Leave_Vel_Net(ushort Axis, double M_dMaxV, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.1 速度控制函数 宏定义0.0 (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_JOG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_JOG_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.2 单轴运动位置改变函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_dDist_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_dDist_Change_Net(ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.3 单轴运动速度改变函数 宏定义0.0 (0,10M]P/S [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxV_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxV_Change_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxV, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxA_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_dMaxA_Change_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxA, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.4 单轴曲线函数 宏定义0.0 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Axis_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Axis_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, double dV_ini, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, double dJerk, double dV_end, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, ref double dV_ini, ref double dMaxV, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref double dV_end, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.5 单轴运动函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_Net(ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.6 单轴停止曲线函数 宏定义0.0 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxA, double dJerk, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.7 轴停止函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义7.7 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Axis_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Axis_Stop_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Axis_Stop_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.8 单轴运动改变周期函数 宏定义0.0 [1,1000]MS [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_Cycle_Change_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_Cycle_Change_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Cycle, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.1 坐标系曲线函数 宏定义0.1 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Coordinate_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Coordinate_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, double dV_ini, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, double dJerk, double dV_end, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Coordinate_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Coordinate_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref double dV_ini, ref double dMaxV, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref double dV_end, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.2 圆半径插补运动函数 宏定义0.1 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.5 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Arc2_Radius_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Arc2_Radius_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, int Arc_Radius, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.3 圆圆心插补运动函数 宏定义0.1 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.5 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Arc2_Centre_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Arc2_Centre_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ref int Center_List, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.4 直线插补运动函数 宏定义0.1 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Line2_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Line2_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Line3_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Line3_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Line4_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Line4_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.5 坐标系停止曲线函数 宏定义0.1 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, double dMaxA, double dJerk, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Coordinate_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.6 螺旋线圆半径插补运动函数 宏定义0.1 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.5 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Screw3_Radius_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Screw3_Radius_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, int Arc_Radius, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.7 螺旋线圆圆心插补运动函数 宏定义0.1 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.5 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Screw3_Centre_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Screw3_Centre_Net(ushort Coordinate, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ref int Center_List, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//8.8 坐标系停止函数 宏定义0.1 宏定义5.6 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Coordinate_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Coordinate_Stop_Net(ushort Coordinate, ushort Coordinate_Stop_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.1 缓冲区停止曲线函数 宏定义0.2 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double dMaxA, double dJerk, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.2 缓冲区停止函数 宏定义0.2 宏定义9.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Stop_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Buffer_Stop_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.3 缓冲区在线改变速度倍率 宏定义0.2 (0,10] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Change_Velocity_Ratio_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Change_Velocity_Ratio_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double Velocity_Ratio, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.4 缓冲区建立开始函数 宏定义0.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Start_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Start_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.5 缓冲区速度倍率 宏定义0.2 宏定义9.5 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Velocity_Ratio_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Velocity_Ratio_Enable_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Velocity_Ratio_Enable = 0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.6 缓冲区前瞻处理降速比 宏定义0.2 (0,1] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Reduce_Ratio_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Reduce_Ratio_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double Reduce_Ratio = 1.0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.7 缓冲区曲线函数 宏定义0.2 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Profile_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, double dV_ini, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, double dJerk, double dV_end, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.8 缓冲区单轴运动 宏定义0.2 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Uniaxial_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Uniaxial_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Sync_Follow_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Sync_Follow_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.9 缓冲区直线插补运动 宏定义0.2 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Line2_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Line2_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Line3_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Line3_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Line4_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Line4_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.10 缓冲区平面圆半径插补运动函数 宏定义0.2 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.5 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Arc_Radius_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Arc_Radius_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, int Arc_Radius, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.11 缓冲区平面圆圆心插补运动函数 宏定义0.2 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.5 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Arc_Centre_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Arc_Centre_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Axis_List, ref int dDist_List, ref int Center_List, ushort Direction, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.12 缓冲区延时函数 宏定义0.2 [0,2^31-1] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Delay_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Delay_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, uint number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.13 缓冲区IO输出函数 宏定义0.2 宏定义2.3.1 宏定义2.3.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Set_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Set_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Bit_Number, ushort output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.14 缓冲区IO等待函数 宏定义0.2 宏定义2.4.1 宏定义2.4.2 (0,2^15-1] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Wait_Input_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Wait_Input_Bit_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Bit_Number, ushort Logic, ushort Time_Out, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.15 缓冲区建立结束 宏定义0.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_End_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_End_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.16 缓冲区执行函数 宏定义0.2 宏定义9.16 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Execute_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Execute_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort Execute_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.17 缓冲区断点启动函数 宏定义0.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Execute_BreakPoint_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Execute_BreakPoint_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.18 缓冲区状态查询函数 宏定义0.2 MC_Retrun.h{0,29,30} [0,2^15-1]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Get_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Get_State_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Execute_State, ref ushort Execute_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.19 缓冲区剩余可插入指令空间百分比查询 宏定义0.2 [0,100]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Get_Remainder_Space_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Get_Remainder_Space_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Remainder_Space_Ratio, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.20 缓冲区开始插入(建议查询到剩余有一半以上空间) 宏定义0.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Insert_Start_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Insert_Start_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.22 缓冲区结束插入 宏定义0.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Insert_End_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Insert_End_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//9.23 计算加入指令所占用的空间百分比 宏定义0.2 [0,100] [0,99]
// 在MCF_Buffer_Start_Net或者MCF_Buffer_Insert_Start_Net后开始从0计算
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Buffer_Count_Occupy_Space_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Buffer_Count_Occupy_Space_Net(ushort Buffer_Number, ref ushort Occupy_Space_Ratio, ushort StationNumber = 0);
10 10K采样频率数据捕捉函数
//10.1 数据捕捉打开/关闭函数(必须在MCF_Open_Net前面提前调用,而且只支持一个运动控制卡)
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Open_Net(ushort Capture_Mode = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Close_Net();
//10.2 数据捕捉检查数据更新函数 宏定义10.2
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_State_Net(ref ushort Capture_State);
//10.3 读取采样连续的1000个位置命令数据 宏定义0.0 &Array[Capture_Frequency*Capture_Time_1MS]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_Command_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_Command_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Command);
//10.4 读取采样连续的1000个编码器数据 宏定义0.0 &Array[Capture_Frequency*Capture_Time_1MS]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder);
//10.5 读取采样连续的1000个模拟量数据 宏定义0.0 &Array[Capture_Frequency*Capture_Time_1MS]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Read_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Read_AD_Net(ushort Axis, ref int AD);
//10.6 ADC采样滤波 宏定义0.0 [0,1]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Filter_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Filter_AD_Net(ushort Axis, double Filter_Coefficient = 1);
//10.7 数据捕捉频率设置 宏定义10.7
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Frequency_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Frequency_Net(ushort Capture_Frequency = 1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//10.8 数据捕捉缓存时间设置 [2,1000] 2的倍数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Capture_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Capture_Time_Net(ushort Capture_Time_1MS = 100, ushort StationNumber = 0);
11 齿
//11.1 电子齿轮设置函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义0.0 (0,(2^31-1)] (0,(2^31-1)] 宏定义11.1.1 宏定义11.1.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Gear_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Gear_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Follow_Axis, uint Denominator, uint Molecule, ushort Follow_Source, ushort Dir, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Gear_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Gear_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Follow_Axis, ref uint Denominator, ref uint Molecule, ref ushort Follow_Source, ref ushort Dir, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//11.2 电子齿轮开关函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义11.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Gear_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Gear_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Gear_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Gear_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Gear_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Gear_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//11.3 电子齿轮运动距离后自动关闭 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Gear_Auto_Disable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Gear_Auto_Disable_Net(ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//12.1 设置一维位置比较器 宏定义0.0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Compare_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Compare_Config_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Enable, ushort Compare_Source, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Config_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Enable, ref ushort Compare_Source, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//12.2 清除一维位置所有/当前比较点/关闭任意点 宏定义0.0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Compare_Points_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Compare_Points_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Compare_Current_Points_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Compare_Current_Points_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 按照 MCF_Add_Compare_Point_Net 数据累加计算 宏定义0.0 [1,(2^31-1)}
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Disable_Compare_Any_Points_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Disable_Compare_Any_Points_Net(ushort Axis, uint Point_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//12.3 添加一维位置比较点 宏定义0.0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Add_Compare_Point_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Add_Compare_Point_Net(ushort Axis, int Position, ushort Dir, ushort Action, ushort Actpara, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//12.4 读取当前一维比较点位置 宏定义0.0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Current_Point_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Current_Point_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//12.5 查询已经比较过的一维比较点个数(注意数据溢出) 宏定义0.0 [0,256]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Runned_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Runned_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Point_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//12.6 查询可以加入的一维比较点个数 宏定义0.0 [0,256]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Remained_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Remained_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Point_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//12.7 查询所有未完成一维比较点个数和位置 宏定义0.0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Incomplete_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Compare_Points_Incomplete_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Incomplete_Number, ref int Incomplete_Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
13 PWM输出函数
//13.1 设置PWM输出参数 宏定义13.1.1 宏定义13.1.2 宏定义13.1.3 宏定义13.1.4
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Pwm_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Pwm_Config_Net(ushort Channel, ushort Enable, ushort Output_Port_Config, ushort Output_Start_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Pwm_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Pwm_Config_Net(ushort Channel, ref ushort Enable, ref ushort Output_Port_Config, ref ushort Output_Start_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//13.2 输出PWM信号 宏定义13.1.1 [0,1000000] [0,100] (0,(2^31-1)]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Pwm_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Pwm_Output_Net(ushort Channel, uint Frequency, uint DutyCycle, uint Pwm_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//13.3 PWM完成信号 宏定义13.1.1 宏定义13.3.1
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Pwm_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Pwm_State_Net(ushort Channel, ref ushort Finish, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//14.1 开启手轮功能 宏定义11.1.2
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Open_Net(ushort Dir, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//14.2 关闭手轮功能
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Close_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
//14.3 设置硬件手轮编码器通道 宏定义0.0
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//14.4 设置硬件手轮速率配置输入点 宏定义2.4.1
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X1_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X1_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X10_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X10_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X100_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_X100_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 设置硬件手轮速率大小 [1,100]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X1_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X1_Net(ushort Speed_X = 1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X10_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X10_Net(ushort Speed_X = 10, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X100_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Speed_X100_Net(ushort Speed_X = 100, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//14.4 设置硬件手轮轴号配置输入点 宏定义0.0 宏定义2.4.1
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Axis_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Axis_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//14.5 设置手轮运动平滑滤波时间 宏定义0.0 [1,1000]MS
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Filter_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Hand_Wheel_Config_Filter_Time_Net(ushort Axis, uint Filter_Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//15.1 读取单次ADC采样 宏定义0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Single_Read_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Single_Read_AD_Net(ushort Channel, ref short AD, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//15.2 读取单次DAC输出 宏定义0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Single_Write_DA_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Single_Write_DA_Net(ushort Channel, short DA, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//15.3 设置AD双向比较器停止对应轴
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_AD_Compare_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_AD_Compare_Net(ushort Channel, short AD_Compare, ushort Stop_Axis, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//15.4 设置AD触发数值 [0,7]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_AD_Capture_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_AD_Capture_Net(ushort Channel, short AD_Capture, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 0保持不变 1清除复位
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_AD_Capture_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_AD_Capture_Net(ushort C_1, ushort C_2, ushort C_3, ushort C_4,
ushort C_5, ushort C_6, ushort C_7, ushort C_8, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 读取到达设置AD值捕获到的对应通道的AD值和轴X位置
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_1_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_1_Net(ref short AD_5, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_2_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_2_Net(ref short AD_6, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_3_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_3_Net(ref short AD_7, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_4_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_4_Net(ref short AD_8, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_5_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_5_Net(ref short AD_1, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_6_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_6_Net(ref short AD_2, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_7_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_7_Net(ref short AD_3, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Capture_AD_8_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Capture_AD_8_Net(ref short AD_4, ref int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//15.5 设置触发位置数值 [0,7]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Position_Capture_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Position_Capture_AD_Net(ushort Channel, int Position_1, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Position_Capture_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Position_Capture_AD_Net(ushort Channel, ref short AD, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Position_Capture_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Position_Capture_AD_Net(ushort C_1, ushort C_2, ushort C_3, ushort C_4, ushort C_5, ushort C_6, ushort C_7, ushort C_8, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//15.6 获取AD最大值 [0,7]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Limit_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Limit_AD_Net(ushort Channel, ref short MAX_AD, ref short MIN_AD, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Clear_Limit_AD_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Clear_Limit_AD_Net(ushort C_1, ushort C_2, ushort C_3, ushort C_4, ushort C_5, ushort C_6, ushort C_7, ushort C_8, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.1 模块版本号 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Version_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Version_Net(ref uint Version, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.2 序列号 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Serial_Number_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Serial_Number_Net(ref long Serial_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.3 模块运行时间 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99] 单位:秒
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Run_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Run_Time_Net(ref uint Run_Time, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.4 Flash 读写功能目前暂时大小2Kbytes,也即定义一个 unsigned int Array[256] 存放数据
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Flash_Write_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Flash_Write_Net(uint Pass_Word_Setup, ref uint Flash_Write_Data, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Flash_Read_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Flash_Read_Net(uint Pass_Word_Check, ref uint Flash_Read_Data, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.5 开启网络回路,一发一收,正常控制使用(默认)
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_LookBack_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_LookBack_Enable_Net();
//16.6 关闭网络回路,只发不收,测试老化模式下使用,或者检测各个级联模块是否工作
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_LookBack_Disable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_LookBack_Disable_Net();
//16.7 通讯时间监测 &Array[12]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Connect_Time_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Connect_Time_Count_Net(ref uint Connect_Count);
//16.8 系统定时回调函数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_CallBack_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_CallBack_Net(int CallBack, uint Time_1MS);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace XKRS.Device.SolidMotionCard
public enum FuncRet
/// <summary>
/// 正常命令执行成功
/// </summary>
Function_Success = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 打开站点不成功
/// </summary>
ERR_Open_Station_Fail = -18,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
1 ,
2 10,
3 便使
4 OK与NG占用同一个通道
namespace MCDLL_NET
public class CMCDLL_NET_Sorting
//1.0 筛选功能初始化函数 必须在 MCF_Open_Net() 前调用
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Init_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Init_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
//1.1 控制卡打开关闭函数 [1,100] [0,99] 宏定义1.1
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Open_Net(ushort Connection_Number, ref ushort Station_Number, ref ushort Station_Type);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Open_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Open_Net(ref ushort Connection_Number, ref ushort Station_Number, ref ushort Station_Type);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Close_Net();
//1.2 链接超时紧急停止函数 [0,60000]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Link_TimeOut_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Link_TimeOut_Net(uint Time_1MS, uint TimeOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 链接超时紧急停止触发使能函数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Trigger_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Trigger_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//1.3 链接监测函数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Link_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Link_State_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.1 通用IO全部输出函数 [OUT31,OUT0] [0,99] [10000,10099]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Net(uint All_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Output_Net(ref uint All_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.2 通用IO按位输出函数 宏定义2.3.1 宏定义2.3.2 [0,99] [10000,10099]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Output_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Output_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ref ushort Bit_Output_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.4 通用IO全部输入函数 [Input31,Input0] [Input48,Input32] [0,99] [10000,10099]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Net(ref uint All_Input_Logic1, ref uint All_Input_Logic2, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//2.5 通用IO按位输入函数 宏定义2.4.1 宏定义2.4.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Input_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Input_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ref ushort Bit_Input_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.1 伺服使能设置函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.1 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Servo_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Servo_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Servo_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Enable_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.2 伺服报警复位设置函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.2 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Alarm_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Reset_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Alarm_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//3.3 伺服报警输入获取函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义3.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Servo_Alarm_Net(ushort Axis, ref ushort Servo_Alarm_State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.1 脉冲通道输出设置函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义4.1 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Pulse_Mode_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Pulse_Mode_Net(ushort Axis, uint Pulse_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Pulse_Mode_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Pulse_Mode_Net(ushort Axis, ref uint Pulse_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.2 位置设置函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Position_Net(ushort Axis, int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Position_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Position, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.3 编码器设置函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Encoder_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Encoder_Net(ushort Axis, ref int Encoder, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//4.4 速度获取 宏定义0.0 [-2^15,(2^15-1)] [-2^15,(2^15-1)] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Vel_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Vel_Net(ushort Axis, ref double Command_Vel, ref double Encode_Vel, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.1 通用IO输入复用做为紧急停止函数 宏定义2.4.1 宏定义5.1 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Bit_Net(ushort EMG_Input_Number, ushort EMG_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Net(ushort EMG_Input_Number, ushort EMG_Mode, uint EMG_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_EMG_Output_Enable_Net(ushort Bit_Output_Number, ushort Bit_Output_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//5.11 轴状态触发停止运动查询函数 宏定义0.0 MC_Retrun.h[0,28] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_State_Net(ushort Axis, ref short Reason, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.1 速度控制函数 宏定义0.0 (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_JOG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_JOG_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.4 单轴曲线函数 宏定义0.0 [0,dMaxV] (0,10M]P/S (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S [0,dMaxV] 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Axis_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Axis_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, double dV_ini, double dMaxV, double dMaxA, double dJerk, double dV_end, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, ref double dV_ini, ref double dMaxV, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref double dV_end, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.5 单轴运动函数 宏定义0.0 [-2^31,(2^31-1)] 宏定义0.3 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Uniaxial_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Uniaxial_Net(ushort Axis, int dDist, ushort Position_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.6 单轴停止曲线函数 宏定义0.0 (0,1T]P^2/S (0,100T]P^3/S 宏定义0.4 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, double dMaxA, double dJerk, ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Axis_Stop_Profile_Net(ushort Axis, ref double dMaxA, ref double dJerk, ref ushort Profile, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//7.7 轴停止函数 宏定义0.0 宏定义7.7 [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Axis_Stop_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Axis_Stop_Net(ushort Axis, ushort Axis_Stop_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.1 设置光源模式(1MS阻塞函数) 宏定义16.1.1 0关闭 1:24V常亮 2:24V频闪 3:48V爆闪
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Light_Mode_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Light_Mode_Net(ushort Channel, ushort Light_Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.2 设置电流保护(1MS阻塞函数) 宏定义16.1.1 [0,15000] 单位MA Over_Current/1000*0.1*11/3.3 * 4095
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Light_Current_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Light_Current_Net(ushort Channel, ushort Max_Current, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Light_Current_1_4_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Light_Current_1_4_Net(ref ushort Current_1, ref ushort Current_2, ref ushort Current_3, ref ushort Current_4, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Light_Current_5_8_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Light_Current_5_8_Net(ref ushort Current_5, ref ushort Current_6, ref ushort Current_7, ref ushort Current_8, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//16.3 设置光源输出(1MS阻塞函数) 宏定义16.1.1 常亮:[0,255] 频闪[0,1000]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Light_Output_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Light_Output_Net(ushort Channel, ushort Light_Size, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//17.1 模块版本号 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Version_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Version_Net(ref uint Version, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//17.2 序列号 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Serial_Number_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Serial_Number_Net(ref long Serial_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//17.3 模块运行时间 [0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF] [0,99] 单位:秒
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Get_Run_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Get_Run_Time_Net(ref uint Run_Time, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//17.4 Flash 读写功能目前暂时大小2Kbytes,也即定义一个 unsigned int Array[256] 存放数据
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Flash_Write_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Flash_Write_Net(uint Pass_Word_Setup, ref uint Flash_Write_Data, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Flash_Read_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Flash_Read_Net(uint Pass_Word_Check, ref uint Flash_Read_Data, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//17.8 系统定时回调函数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_CallBack_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_CallBack_Net(int CallBack, uint Time_1MS);
101 ,, 102,103,104
//101.1 设置参数前必须调用先关闭筛选功能
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Close_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Close_Net(ushort StationNumber = 0);
102 ,
//102.1 物件最大最小尺寸
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Size_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Size_Net(uint Max_Size, uint Min_Size, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//102.2 物件安全距离,安全时间
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Place_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Place_Net(uint Min_Distance, uint Min_Time_Intervel, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//102.3 来料检测设置
// 来料检测使能(默认Bit_Output_0,Bit_Output_1开,0关 1开) [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Enable_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Enable_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort Bit_Input_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 来料检测电平(默认全部低电平, 0低电平 1高电平) [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Logic_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Logic_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort Bit_Input_Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 来料检测编码器(默认全部跟随Axis_1编码器) [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Source_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Source_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort Axis, ushort Source, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 来料检测捕获位置(默认全部捕获前部, 0前部 1中间) [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_3]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Position_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Position_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort Mode, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//102.4 DI00 检测不连续物件强制保持连续
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Keep_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Piece_Keep_Net(uint Keep_Length, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//102.5 DI00 物件检测无料超时停止轴运动(默认时间0,表示不启动) [0,60000] &Array[DO00,DO15],0:低 1:高 2:关闭
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_0_TimeOut_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_0_TimeOut_Net(uint Time_1MS, ref uint TimeOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//102.6 通用IO按位输入滤波函数 [Bit_Input_0,Bit_Input_1] [1,100]MS [0,99]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Set_Input_Filter_Time_Bit_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Set_Input_Filter_Time_Bit_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, uint Filter_Time_1MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//102.7 多个来料检测绑定相机触发,OK吹气,NG吹气 [Bit_Input_1]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Bind_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Input_Bind_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort Camera_Start_Number, ushort Bond_Start_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
103 OK,NG安全保护参数,
//103.1 物件吹气OK超时停止轴运动(默认时间0,表示不启动) [0,60000] &Array[DO00,DO15],0:低 1:高 2:关闭
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_TimeOut_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_TimeOut_Net(uint Time_1MS, ref uint TimeOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//103.2 物件吹气连续NG停止轴运动(默认时间0,表示不启动) [0,60000] &Array[DO00,DO15],0:低 1:高 2:关闭
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_NumberOut_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_NumberOut_Net(uint NG_Number, ref uint NumberOut_Output, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//103.3 HMC3432S/HMC3412S 可以设置物件重新检测确定功能,以此判定是否误吹
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Check_Again_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Check_Again_Net(ushort Bit_Input_Number, ushort Bit_Input_Logic, int Input_Position, uint Piece_Size,
ushort Blow_OK_Check,
ushort Blow_NG_Check,
ushort Blow_1_Check,
ushort Blow_2_Check,
ushort Blow_3_Check,
ushort Blow_4_Check,
ushort Blow_5_Check,
ushort Blow_6_Check,
ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Check_Lose_Number_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Check_Lose_Number_Net(ref uint Lose_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
104 ,
//104.1 HMC3432S 可以配置相机和吹气个数 [1,30] [1,30]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Camera_Blow_Config_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort Blow_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//104.2 设置相机参数 与检测装置的相对位置 编码器反馈的运行方向
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Net(ushort Camera_Number, int Camera_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Light_Frequency_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Light_Frequency_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort Light_Number, ushort Frequency_Enable, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//104.3 设置运动控制卡触发相机拍照后,延时多少毫秒计数增加1,一般设置为 大于 控制卡从触发相机拍照到软件出图像结果需要的时间,
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Camera_Delay_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Camera_Delay_Count_Net(ushort Camera_Number, double Camera_Delay_Count_MS, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//104.4 设置OK吹气参数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_OK_Net(int Blow_OK_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//104.5 设置NG吹气参数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_NG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_NG_Net(int Blow_NG_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//104.6 设置吹气1到30参数 [1,30]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Blow_Net(ushort Blow_Number, int Blow_Position, ushort Motion_Dir, ushort Action_Mode, ushort Action_IO, ushort StationNumber = 0);
105 102,103,104
//105.1 筛选启动函数,在设置好参数后启动
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Start_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Start_Net(ushort Mode = 0, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//106.0 设置相机处理结果最短时间和最大超时时间,允许连续超时最大个数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Handle_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Handle_Time_Net(ushort Camera_Number, double Handle_Time_1MS, double Handle_TimeOut_1MS, uint Handle_TimeOut_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//106.1 吹气模式0用户综合所有相机结果后发送吹气指令
// 用户在图像处理回调函数中调用该函数通知图像处理结果
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Data_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Data_Net(ushort Camera_Number, uint Result_Data, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 用户开辟线程检查物料最新的图像结果
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Camera_Result_Updata_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Camera_Result_Updata_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ref uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Camera_Result_Buffer_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Camera_Result_Buffer_Net(ushort Camera_Number, uint Piece_Number, ref uint Result_Buffer, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Camera_Handle_Time_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Camera_Handle_Time_Net(ushort Camera_Number, uint Piece_Number, ref uint Handle_Time, ushort StationNumber = 0);
// 用户根据图像结果吹气
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_OK_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_NG_Net(uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Trig_Blow_Net(ushort Blow_Number, uint Piece_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//106.2 吹气模式1用户直接发送每个相机结果控制卡自动综合结果后吹气
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_OK_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_OK_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_NG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_NG_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Result_OK_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Result_OK_Net(ref uint Result_OK_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Result_NG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Result_NG_Net(ref uint Result_NG_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Result_Miss_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Blow_Result_Miss_Net(ref uint Result_Miss_Number, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//106.3 吹气模式2用户不需要发送相机结果控制卡通过IO综合结果后吹气,全程通过硬件实现,可以直接替代PLC (0,500]
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_OK_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_OK_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort Input_Number, ushort Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_NG_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Set_Camera_Result_Input_NG_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ushort Input_Number, ushort Logic, ushort StationNumber = 0);
107 ,,
//107.0 筛选监测函数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_State_Net(ref ushort State, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//107.1 获取DI00物件不合格计数个数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_Pass_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_Pass_Net(ushort Piece_Input_Number, ref uint Piece_Pass, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//107.2 获取DI00物件计数个数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_State_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Piece_State_Net(ushort Piece_Input_Number, //物件计数的输入端口号
ref uint Piece_Find, //物件匹配统计数量
ref uint Piece_Size, //物件大小10组
ref uint Piece_Distance_To_next, //物件间距10组
ref uint Piece_Cross_Camera, //物件经过所有相机个数
ushort StationNumber = 0);
//107.3 获取判断控制卡触发相机拍照计数,图像结果输出结果一定要先于延时后的控制卡相机拍照计数,而且要一一对应,否则做为图像异常或者漏拍处理
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Camera_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Camera_Count_Net(ushort Camera_Number, ref uint Trig_Camera_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//107.4 获取OK,NG触发计数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_NG_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_NG_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_NG_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_OK_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_OK_Count_Net(ref uint Trig_Blow_OK_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//107.5 获取OK,NG漏触发计数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_NG_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_NG_Count_Net(ref uint Lose_Blow_NG_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_OK_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_OK_Count_Net(ref uint Lose_Blow_OK_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);
//107.6 获取气阀吹气计数
[DllImport("MCDLL_NET.DLL", EntryPoint = "MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_Count_Net")]
public static extern short MCF_Sorting_Get_Trig_Blow_Count_Net(ushort Blow_Number, ref uint Trig_Blow_Count, ushort StationNumber = 0);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace DH.Devices.Motion
/// <summary>
/// 回零状态
/// </summary>
public enum SearchHomeState
/// <summary>
/// 回零成功
/// </summary>
HomeSucess = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 回零错误
/// </summary>
HomeError = 31,
/// <summary>
/// 正在回零点
/// </summary>
Homing = 32,
/// <summary>
/// 0.3 坐标模式
/// </summary>
public enum PositionMode
/// <summary>
/// 绝对位置模式
/// </summary>
Position_Absolute = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 相对位置模式
/// </summary>
Position_Opposite = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 0.4 单轴点动曲线类型
/// </summary>
public enum Profile
/// <summary>
/// T型曲线
/// </summary>
Profile_T = 0,
/// <summary>
/// S型曲线
/// </summary>
Profile_S = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 3.1 伺服使能设置
/// </summary>
public enum ServoLogic
/// <summary>
/// 触点闭合
/// </summary>
Servo_Close = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 触点打开
/// </summary>
Servo_Open = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 3.2 报警复位电平设置
/// </summary>
public enum AlarmLogic
/// <summary>
/// 触点闭合
/// </summary>
Alarm_Close = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 触点打开
/// </summary>
Alarm_Open = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 3.6
/// </summary>
public enum HomeState
/// <summary>
/// 触点闭合,硬件灯亮
/// </summary>
Home_Close = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 触点打开,硬件灯灭
/// </summary>
Home_Open = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 4.1 脉冲模式
/// </summary>
public enum PulseMode
/// <summary>
/// 脉冲方向(默认)
/// </summary>
Pulse_Dir_H = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 脉冲方向
/// </summary>
Pulse_Dir_L = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 双脉冲
/// </summary>
Pulse_CW_CCW = 2,
/// <summary>
/// 双脉冲
/// </summary>
Pulse_CCW_CW = 3,
/// <summary>
/// AB相位
/// </summary>
Pulse_AB = 4,
/// <summary>
/// AB相位
/// </summary>
Pulse_BA = 5,
//5.1 EMG_Mode
public enum EMG_Mode
EMG_Trigger_Close = 0, //不使用紧急停止功能
EMG_Trigger_Low_IMD = 1, //低电平触发紧急停止
EMG_Trigger_Low_DEC = 2,//低电平触发减速停止
EMG_Trigger_High_IMD = 3, //高电平触发紧急停止
/// <summary>
/// 6.1.1 正负限位触发电平
/// </summary>
public enum LimitLogic
/// <summary>
/// 低电平触发
/// </summary>
Low_Logic = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 高电平触发
/// </summary>
High_Logic = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 6.1.2 回零限位触发电平
/// </summary>
public enum HomeLogic
/// <summary>
/// 低电平触发
/// </summary>
Low_Logic = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 高电平触发
/// </summary>
High_Logic = 1,
/// <summary>
/// 6.1.3 Index触发电平
/// </summary>
public enum IndexLogic
/// <summary>
/// 低电平触发
/// </summary>
Low_Logic = 0,
/// <summary>
/// 高电平触发
/// </summary>
High_Logic = 1,

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace DH.Devices.PLC
connected = true;
return true;

View File

@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "DH.Devices.Camera", "DH.Dev
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "DH.Devices.PLC", "DH.Devices.PLC\DH.Devices.PLC.csproj", "{458B2CF6-6F1B-4B8B-BB85-C6FD7F453A5D}"
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Motion", "Motion", "{5C8472C6-EB6A-4D89-B519-7073BBF6A5D2}"
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "DH.Devices.Motion", "DH.Devices.Motion\DH.Devices.Motion.csproj", "{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
@ -71,6 +75,14 @@ Global
{458B2CF6-6F1B-4B8B-BB85-C6FD7F453A5D}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{458B2CF6-6F1B-4B8B-BB85-C6FD7F453A5D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{458B2CF6-6F1B-4B8B-BB85-C6FD7F453A5D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
@ -83,6 +95,8 @@ Global
{97B55FCF-54A3-449E-8437-735E65C35291} = {F77AF94C-280D-44C5-B7C0-FC86AA9EC504}
{1378A932-1C25-40EF-BA31-A3463B23F4E5} = {1591B03B-0015-42FC-B784-0D9F740E2A23}
{458B2CF6-6F1B-4B8B-BB85-C6FD7F453A5D} = {2560C5A5-0CA2-48AD-B606-6C55BEFD8109}
{5C8472C6-EB6A-4D89-B519-7073BBF6A5D2} = {8EC33C16-65CE-4C12-9C8D-DB2425F9F7C0}
{144E3775-0BD7-4528-9FB0-A0F4ADC74313} = {5C8472C6-EB6A-4D89-B519-7073BBF6A5D2}
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {6FC1A8DF-636E-434C-981E-10F20FAD723B}

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using static AntdUI.Math3D;
@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
public List<HikVisionCamera> HKCameras { get; } = new List<HikVisionCamera>();
public List<Do3ThinkCamera> Cameras { get; } = new List<Do3ThinkCamera>();
public Dictionary<string, SimboObjectDetection> Dectection { get; } = new Dictionary<string, SimboObjectDetection>();
public XinJEPLCTcpNet PLC { get; } = new XinJEPLCTcpNet();
@ -224,7 +226,10 @@ namespace DHSoftware
foreach (var camera in HKCameras)
@ -339,6 +344,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
_cameraRelatedDetectionDict = new();
@ -365,7 +371,34 @@ namespace DHSoftware
string inferenceDevice = "CPU";
//for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
// HikVisionCamera camera = new HikVisionCamera();
// camera.CameraName = $"Cam{i}";
// camera.CameraIP = $"192.168.{i}.1";
// camera.ComputerIP = $"192.168.{i}.1";
// camera.CameraConnect();
// camera.OnHImageOutput += OnCameraHImageOutput;
// HKCameras.Add(camera);
// var simbo_1 = new SimboObjectDetection
// {
// };
// MLInit mLInit_1;
// mLInit_1 = new MLInit($"D:\\PROJECTS\\MaodingTest1\\Vision\\cam{i}.onnx", "images", inferenceDevice, 640, 640);
// simbo_1.Load(mLInit_1);
// Dectection.Add(camera.CameraName, simbo_1);
//Add the code for the "启动" button click here
Do3ThinkCamera do3ThinkCamera1 = new Do3ThinkCamera();
@ -383,7 +416,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
do3ThinkCamera2.OnHImageOutput += OnCameraHImageOutput;
var simbo1 = new SimboObjectDetection();
MLInit mLInit;
string inferenceDevice = "CPU";
mLInit = new MLInit($"D:\\PROJECTS\\MaodingTest1\\Vision\\cam1.onnx", "images", inferenceDevice, 640, 640);
@ -395,9 +428,9 @@ namespace DHSoftware
var simbo2 = new SimboObjectDetection();
MLInit mLInit2;
string inferenceDevice2 = "CPU";
mLInit2 = new MLInit($"D:\\PROJECTS\\MaodingTest1\\Vision\\cam2.onnx", "images", inferenceDevice2, 640, 640);
mLInit2 = new MLInit($"D:\\PROJECTS\\MaodingTest1\\Vision\\cam2.onnx", "images", inferenceDevice, 640, 640);
@ -479,6 +512,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
using (Mat localImageSet = imageSet.Clone()) // 复制 Mat 避免并发问题
// imageSet?.Dispose();
// 拍照计数与物件编号一致,查找对应的产品
ProductData product = null;
@ -558,190 +592,148 @@ namespace DHSoftware
#region 1.
#region 2.
var req = new MLRequest();
req.mImage = localImageSet.Clone();
//req.ResizeWidth = detectConfig.ModelWidth;
//req.ResizeHeight = detectConfig.ModelHeight;
//req.confThreshold = detectConfig.ModelconfThreshold;
//req.iouThreshold = 0.3f;
//req.out_node_name = detectConfig.ModeloutNodeName;
//req.in_lable_path = detectConfig.in_lable_path;
req.ResizeWidth = 640;
req.ResizeHeight = 640;
req.confThreshold = 0.5f;
req.iouThreshold = 0.3f;
req.out_node_name = "output0";
req.in_lable_path = "D:\\PROJECTS\\MaodingTest1\\Vision\\cam1.txt";
//req.LabelNames = dc.GetLabelNames();
//HOperatorSet.WriteImage(req.HImage, "png", 0, @"D:\\666.png");
sw = new Stopwatch();
var result = Dectection[detectionId].RunInference(req);
//LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理进度1.1,产品{productNumber},耗时{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
// 1. 预处理
using (Mat inferenceImage = localImageSet.Clone()) // 仅在此处克隆,确保推理过程中 Mat 有独立副本
if (pictureBox1.Image != null)
#region 1.
#region 2.
var req = new MLRequest();
req.mImage = inferenceImage;
req.ResizeWidth = 640;
req.ResizeHeight = 640;
req.confThreshold = 0.5f;
req.iouThreshold = 0.3f;
req.out_node_name = "output0";
req.in_lable_path = "D:\\PROJECTS\\MaodingTest1\\Vision\\cam1.txt";
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var result = Dectection[detectionId].RunInference(req);
//LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理进度1.1,产品{productNumber},耗时{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
pictureBox1.Image.Dispose(); // 释放旧图像
pictureBox1.Image = result.ResultMap;
richTextBox1.AppendText($"推理成功 {productNumber}, {result.IsSuccess} 耗时 {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms\n");
pictureBox1.Image?.Dispose(); // 释放旧图像
pictureBox1.Image = result.ResultMap;
richTextBox1.AppendText($"推理成功 {productNumber}, {result.IsSuccess} 耗时 {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms\n");
#if true
#region 3.
DetectStationResult detectResult = new DetectStationResult();
if (result == null || (result != null && !result.IsSuccess))
detectResult.IsMLDetectDone = false;
if (result != null && result.IsSuccess)
detectResult.DetectDetails = result.ResultDetails;
if (detectResult.DetectDetails != null)
#region 3.
DetectStationResult detectResult = new DetectStationResult();
if (result == null || (result != null && !result.IsSuccess))
detectResult.IsMLDetectDone = false;
#region 3.
#region 4.
detectResult.DetectDetails?.ForEach(d =>
//当前检测项的 过滤条件
//var conditionList = detectConfig.DetectionFilterList
// .Where(u => u.IsEnabled && u.LabelName == d.LabelName)
// .GroupBy(u => u.ResultState)
// .OrderBy(u => u.Key)
// .ToList();
//当前检测项的 过滤条件
var conditionList = detectConfig.DetectionFilterList
.Where(u => u.IsEnabled && u.LabelName == d.LabelName)
.GroupBy(u => u.ResultState)
.OrderBy(u => u.Key)
if (conditionList.Count == 0)
if (result != null && result.IsSuccess)
if (d.LabelName.ToLower() == "ok")
detectResult.DetectDetails = result.ResultDetails;
if (detectResult.DetectDetails != null)
d.FinalResult = d.InferenceResult = ResultState.OK;
d.FinalResult = d.InferenceResult = ResultState.DetectNG;
detectResult.IsMLDetectDone = false;
#region 3.
#region 4.
detectResult.DetectDetails?.ForEach(d =>
if (detectConfig.IsMixModel)
//当前检测项的 过滤条件
//var conditionList = detectConfig.DetectionFilterList
// .Where(u => u.IsEnabled && u.LabelName == d.LabelName)
// .GroupBy(u => u.ResultState)
// .OrderBy(u => u.Key)
// .ToList();
//当前检测项的 过滤条件
var conditionList = detectConfig.DetectionFilterList
.Where(u => u.IsEnabled && u.LabelName == d.LabelName)
.GroupBy(u => u.ResultState)
.OrderBy(u => u.Key)
if (conditionList.Count == 0)
d.FinalResult = d.InferenceResult = ResultState.A_NG;
d.FinalResult = d.LabelName.ToLower() == "ok"
? ResultState.OK
: ResultState.DetectNG;
d.FinalResult = d.InferenceResult = ResultState.OK;
d.FinalResult = detectConfig.IsMixModel
? ResultState.A_NG
: ResultState.OK;
foreach (IGrouping<ResultState, DetectionFilter> group in conditionList)
bool b = group.ToList().Any(f =>
foreach (IGrouping<ResultState, DetectionFilter> group in conditionList)
return f.FilterOperation(d);
//bool b = group.ToList().Any(f =>
// return f.FilterOperation(d);
if (b)
d.FinalResult = group.Key;
//if (b)
// d.FinalResult = group.Key;
// break;
if (group.Any(f => f.FilterOperation(d)))
d.FinalResult = group.Key;
// d.FinalResult = d.InferenceResult = ResultState.OK;
// d.FinalResult = d.InferenceResult = ResultState.OK;
#region 5.NG
if (detectResult.DetectDetails?.Count > 0)
detectResult.ResultState = detectResult.DetectDetails.GroupBy(u => u.FinalResult).OrderBy(u => u.Key).First().First().FinalResult;
#region 5.NG
//if (detectResult.DetectDetails?.Count > 0)
// detectResult.ResultState = detectResult.DetectDetails.GroupBy(u => u.FinalResult).OrderBy(u => u.Key).First().First().FinalResult;
// detectResult.ResultLabel = detectResult.ResultLabel;
// detectResult.ResultLabelCategoryId = detectResult.ResultLabel;//TODO:设置优先级
detectResult.ResultState = detectResult.DetectDetails?
.GroupBy(u => u.FinalResult)
.OrderBy(u => u.Key)
.FirstOrDefault()?.Key ?? ResultState.OK;
detectResult.ResultLabel = detectResult.ResultLabel;
detectResult.ResultLabelCategoryId = detectResult.ResultLabel;//TODO:设置优先级
//if (detectionLabels.Count > 0)
// foreach (var l in detectionLabels)
// {
// var isExist = DetectDetails.Any(o => NormalizeAndClean(o.LabelName) == NormalizeAndClean(l.LabelName) && o.FinalResult == ResultState.DetectNG);
// if (isExist)
// {
// ResultLabelCategoryId = l.LabelCategoryId;
// break;
// }
// }
//DetectStationResult temp;
////LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理进度1.4,产品{productNumber}");
//// 检测结果
//if (temp != null)
// // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理进度1.5,产品{productNumber}");
// //var totalElapsed = (temp.EndTime - temp.VisionImageSet.ImageTime).TotalMilliseconds;
// //totalTime += totalElapsed;
// resultStates.Add(temp.ResultState);
// product.ResultCollection.Add(temp);
// // LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理进度1.6,产品{productNumber}");
// //LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 检测失败,物料编号:{productNumber},检测项:{d}");
// imageSet.Dispose();
catch (Exception ex)
@ -749,15 +741,9 @@ namespace DHSoftware
//detectionDict.ForEach(d =>
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理进度2产品{productNumber}");
product.InferenceOne(() =>
@ -767,7 +753,7 @@ namespace DHSoftware
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"{camera.Name} 推理完成,产品{productNumber}");
if (!product.InferenceFinished())
@ -786,24 +772,12 @@ namespace DHSoftware
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
#region 6.
if (product.ResultCollection.Any(u => u.ResultState != ResultState.OK))
// CurTrigger = TriggerSettings.FirstOrDefault(u => u.TriggerType == TriggerType.B_NG);
product.ProductResult = ResultState.B_NG;
product.ProductLabelCategory = ResultState.B_NG.GetEnumDescription();
product.ProductLabel = ResultState.B_NG.GetEnumDescription();
// CurTrigger = TriggerSettings.FirstOrDefault(u => u.TriggerType == TriggerType.OK);
product.ProductResult = ResultState.OK;
product.ProductLabelCategory = ResultState.OK.GetEnumDescription();
product.ProductLabel = ResultState.OK.GetEnumDescription();
#region 6.
product.ProductResult = product.ResultCollection.Any(u => u.ResultState != ResultState.OK)
? ResultState.B_NG
: ResultState.OK;
product.ProductLabelCategory = product.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription();
product.ProductLabel = product.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription();
#region 7.
@ -811,110 +785,45 @@ namespace DHSoftware
//LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"推理完成,产品{product.PieceNumber}获取结果");
// 统计产品结果
//Task resultTask = product.SetProductResult(_totalDetectionNum, X017Config.IsTBDPriority, labelCategoryLists);
//await resultTask.ContinueWith(t =>
// try
// {
// UpdateTriggerCount(DateTime.Now, "获取结果");
// UpdateResult(DateTime.Now, camera, product.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription());
// UpdateResultNew(DateTime.Now, camera, "合计");
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"产品{product.PieceNumber}获取结果:{product.ProductResult} {(product.IsA2B ? "产品IsA2B" : "")}");
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Information, $"产品{product.PieceNumber}获取结果异常:{product.ProductResult} {(product.IsA2B ? "产品IsA2B" : "")}" +
// $"异常信息:{ex.GetExceptionMessage}");
// }
// // 吹气
// DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
// product.BlowOutTime = dtNow;
// var setting = X017Config.ProductBlowSettings.FirstOrDefault(s => product.ProductResult.Equals(s.ProductResult));
// if (setting != null)
// {
// uint NGNumC = 0;
// uint OKNumC = 0;
// CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_NG_Count_Net(ref NGNumC, 0);
// CMCDLL_NET.MCF_Sorting_Get_Lose_Blow_OK_Count_Net(ref OKNumC, 0);
// _mainMotion.Blow(product.PieceNumber, setting.BindBlow);
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Action, $"产品{product.PieceNumber}吹气{NGNumC}+ {OKNumC}");
// //if (product.ProductResult == ResultState.OK)
// //{
// // //OKProcessNum++;
// // OKNum++;
// //}
// }
// //判断超时出队
// foreach (var kvp in tmpDic)
// {
// try
// {
// ProductData dataN = kvp.Value;
// TimeSpan timeDifference = DateTime.Now - dataN.CreateTime;
// if (timeDifference.TotalMinutes >= 1)
// {
// //出队
// bool isremoved = tmpDic.TryRemove(kvp.Key, out _);
// if (isremoved)
// {
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Error, $"====产品{kvp.Key}超时出列成功" +
// $"产品结果:{dataN.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription()} {dataN.ProductResult}" +
// $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}====");
// try
// {
// //重新生成实例 销毁之前的实例
// var saveData = dataN.GetProductData();
// var productDefects = dataN.GetDetectDetailData();
// SaveProductDataAsync(saveData, productDefects);
// dataN = null;
// }
// catch (Exception) { }
// dataN?.Dispose();
// }
// else
// {
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Error, $"=====产品{kvp.Key}超时出列失败" +
// $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}=====");
// }
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Error, $"=====产品{kvp.Key}超时出列失败" +
// $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}====={ex.GetExceptionMessage}");
// }
// }
// 出列
ProductData temp = null;
int tryTimes = 5;
int tryTimes = 10;
while (temp == null && tryTimes > 0)
var isSuccess = tmpDic.Remove(productNumber, out temp);
if (isSuccess)
if (tmpDic.TryRemove(productNumber, out temp))
string logStr = $"{DateTime.Now}产品{productNumber}出列成功:{isSuccess}" +
$"产品结果:{temp.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription()}" +
if (temp == null)
string logStr = $"{DateTime.Now}产品{productNumber}出列失败true"+
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
int currentScrollPosition = richTextBox1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.TextLength).Y;
// 设置回原来的滚动位置
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
string logStr = $"{DateTime.Now}产品{productNumber}出列成功true" +
$"产品结果:{temp.ProductResult.GetEnumDescription()}" +
this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate ()
@ -926,22 +835,12 @@ namespace DHSoftware
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.TextLength;
if (temp == null)
//LogAsync(DateTime.Now, LogLevel.Assist, $"产品{productNumber}出列失败," +
// $"当前队列产品数量:{tmpDic.Count}");
//重新生成实例 销毁之前的实例
var saveData = temp.GetProductData();
using(StreamWriter sw=new StreamWriter("D://123log.txt",true,Encoding.UTF8))
catch (Exception) { }