413 lines
14 KiB
413 lines
14 KiB
@Time : 2022/9/20 16:17
@Auth : 东
@File :AlgorithmController.py
@IDE :PyCharm
@Motto:ABC(Always Be Coding)
import json
from functools import wraps
from threading import Thread
from flask import Blueprint, request
from app.schemas.TrainResult import Report, ProcessValueList
from app.utils.RedisMQTool import Task
from app.utils.StandardizedOutput import output_wrapped
from app.utils.redis_config import redis_client
from app.utils.websocket_tool import manager
import sys
from pathlib import Path
# from pynvml import *
FILE = Path(__file__).resolve()
ROOT = FILE.parents[0] # YOLOv5 root directory
if str(ROOT) not in sys.path:
sys.path.append(str(ROOT)) # add ROOT to PATH
# sys.path.append("/mnt/sdc/algorithm/AICheck-MaskRCNN/app/maskrcnn_ppx")
# import ppx as pdx
bp = Blueprint('AlgorithmController', __name__)
def start_train_algorithm():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/start_train_algorithm', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function():
param = request.args.get('param')
id = request.args.get('id')
t = Thread(target=func, args=(param, id))
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', '成功')
return wrapped_function
return wrapTheFunction
def start_test_algorithm():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/start_test_algorithm', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function_test():
param = request.args.get('param')
id = request.args.get('id')
t = Thread(target=func, args=(param, id))
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', '成功')
return wrapped_function_test
return wrapTheFunction
def start_detect_algorithm():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/start_detect_algorithm', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function_detect():
param = request.args.get('param')
id = request.args.get('id')
t = Thread(target=func, args=(param, id))
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', '成功')
return wrapped_function_detect
return wrapTheFunction
def start_download_pt():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/start_download_pt', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function_start_download_pt():
param = request.args.get('param')
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', '成功')
return wrapped_function_start_download_pt
return wrapTheFunction
def algorithm_process_value():
获取中间值, redis订阅发布
def wrapTheFunction(func):
def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
Task(redis_conn=redis_client.get_redis(), channel="ceshi").publish_task(
data={'code': 0, 'msg': 'success', 'data': data})
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', data)
return wrapped_function
return wrapTheFunction
def algorithm_process_value_websocket():
获取中间值, websocket发布
def wrapTheFunction(func):
def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
id = data["id"]
data_res = {'code': 0, "type": 'connected', 'msg': 'success', 'data': data}
manager.send_message_proj_json(message=data_res, id=id)
return data
return wrapped_function
return wrapTheFunction
def obtain_train_param():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/obtain_train_param', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function_train_param(*args, **kwargs):
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', data)
return wrapped_function_train_param
return wrapTheFunction
def obtain_test_param():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/obtain_test_param', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function_test_param(*args, **kwargs):
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', data)
return wrapped_function_test_param
return wrapTheFunction
def obtain_detect_param():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/obtain_detect_param', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function_inf_param(*args, **kwargs):
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', data)
return wrapped_function_inf_param
return wrapTheFunction
def obtain_download_pt_param():
def wrapTheFunction(func):
@bp.route('/obtain_download_pt_param', methods=['get'])
def wrapped_function_obtain_download_pt_param(*args, **kwargs):
data = func(*args, **kwargs)
return output_wrapped(0, 'success', data)
return wrapped_function_obtain_download_pt_param
return wrapTheFunction
# @start_train_algorithm()
# def start(param: str):
# """
# 例子
# """
# print(param)
# process_value_list = ProcessValueList(name='1', value=[])
# report = Report(rate_of_progess=0, process_value=[process_value_list], id='1')
# @algorithm_process_value_websocket()
# def process(v: int):
# print(v)
# report.rate_of_progess = ((v + 1) / 10) * 100
# report.precision[0].value.append(v)
# return report.dict()
# for i in range(10):
# process(i)
# return report.dict()
from setparams import TrainParams
import os
from app.schemas.TrainResult import DetectProcessValueDice, DetectReport
from app import file_tool
# 启动训练
def train_R0DY(params_str, id):
from app.yolov5.train_server import train_start
params = TrainParams()
data_list = file_tool.get_file(ori_path=params.get('DatasetDir').value, type_list=params.get('classname').value)
weights = params.get('resumeModPath').value # 初始化模型绝对路径
img_size = params.get('img_size').value
savemodel = os.path.splitext(params.get('saveModDir').value)[0] + '_' + img_size + '.pt' # 模型命名加上图像参数
epoches = params.get('epochnum').value
batch_size = params.get('batch_size').value
device = params.get('device').value
train_start(weights, savemodel, epoches, img_size, batch_size, device, data_list, id)
# 启动验证程序
def validate_RODY(params_str, id):
from app.yolov5.validate_server import validate_start
params = TrainParams()
weights = params.get('modPath').value # 验证模型绝对路径
(filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(weights) # 文件名与后缀名分开
img_size = int(filename.split('ROD')[1].split('_')[2]) # 获取图像参数
# v_num = int(filename.split('ROD')[1].split('_')[1]) #获取版本号
output = params.get('outputPath').value
batch_size = params.get('batch_size').default
device = params.get('device').value
validate_start(weights, img_size, batch_size, device, output, id)
def detect_RODY(params_str, id):
from app.yolov5.detect_server import detect_start
params = TrainParams()
weights = params.get('modPath').value # 检测模型绝对路径
input = params.get('inputPath').value
outpath = params.get('outputPath').value
# (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(weights) # 文件名与后缀名分开
# img_size = int(filename.split('ROD')[1].split('_')[2]) #获取图像参数
# v_num = int(filename.split('ROD')[1].split('_')[1]) #获取版本号
# batch_size = params.get('batch_size').default
device = params.get('device').value
detect_start(input, weights, outpath, device, id)
def Export_model_RODY(params_str):
from app.yolov5.export import Start_Model_Export
import zipfile
params = TrainParams()
exp_inputPath = params.get('exp_inputPath').value # 模型路径
exp_device = params.get('device').value
modellist = Start_Model_Export(exp_inputPath, exp_device)
exp_outputPath = exp_inputPath.replace('pt', 'zip') # 压缩文件
zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(exp_outputPath, 'w')
for file in modellist:
zipf.write(file, arcname=Path(file).name) # 将torchscript和onnx模型压缩
return exp_outputPath
# zipf.write(modellist[1], arcname=modellist[1])
# zip_inputpath = os.path.join(exp_outputPath, "inference_model")
# zip_outputPath = os.path.join(exp_outputPath, "inference_model.zip")
def returnTrainParams():
# nvmlInit()
# gpuDeviceCount = nvmlDeviceGetCount() # 获取Nvidia GPU块数
# _kernel = [f"cuda:{a}" for a in range(gpuDeviceCount)]
params_list = [
{"index": 0, "name": "epochnum", "value": 10, "description": '训练轮次', "default": 100, "type": "I", 'show': True},
{"index": 1, "name": "batch_size", "value": 4, "description": '批次图像数量', "default": 1, "type": "I",
'show': True},
{"index": 2, "name": "img_size", "value": 640, "description": '训练图像大小', "default": 640, "type": "I",
'show': True},
{"index": 3, "name": "device", "value": "0", "description": '训练核心', "default": "cuda", "type": "S",
"items": '', 'show': True}, # _kernel
{"index": 4, "name": "saveModDir", "value": "E:/alg_demo-master/alg_demo/app/yolov5/best.pt",
"description": '保存模型路径',
"default": "./app/maskrcnn/saved_model/test.pt", "type": "S", 'show': False},
{"index": 5, "name": "resumeModPath", "value": 'E:/alg_demo-master/alg_demo/app/yolov5/yolov5s.pt',
"description": '继续训练路径', "default": '', "type": "S",
'show': False},
{"index": 6, "name": "resumeMod", "value": '', "description": '继续训练模型', "default": '', "type": "E", "items": '',
'show': True},
{"index": 7, "name": "classname", "value": ['logo', '3C'], "description": '类别名称', "default": '', "type": "L",
"items": '',
'show': False},
{"index": 8, "name": "DatasetDir", "value": "E:/aicheck/data_set/11442136178662604800/ori/",
"description": '数据集路径',
"default": "./app/maskrcnn/datasets/test", "type": "S", 'show': False} # ORI_PATH
# {"index": 9, "name": "saveEpoch", "value": 2, "description": '保存模型轮次', "default": 2, "type": "I", 'show': True}]
params_str = json.dumps(params_list)
return params_str
def returnValidateParams():
# nvmlInit()
# gpuDeviceCount = nvmlDeviceGetCount() # 获取Nvidia GPU块数
# _kernel = [f"cuda:{a}" for a in range(gpuDeviceCount)]
params_list = [
{"index": 0, "name": "modPath", "value": "E:/alg_demo-master/alg_demo/app/yolov5/圆孔_123_RODY_1_640.pt",
"description": '验证模型路径', "default": "./app/maskrcnn/saved_model/test.pt", "type": "S", 'show': False},
{"index": 1, "name": "batch_size", "value": 1, "description": '批次图像数量', "default": 1, "type": "I",
'show': False},
{"index": 2, "name": "img_size", "value": 640, "description": '训练图像大小', "default": 640, "type": "I",
'show': False},
{"index": 3, "name": "outputPath", "value": 'E:/aicheck/data_set/11442136178662604800/val_results/',
"description": '输出结果路径',
"default": './app/maskrcnn/datasets/M006B_waibi/res', "type": "S", 'show': False},
{"index": 4, "name": "device", "value": "0", "description": '训练核心', "default": "cuda", "type": "S",
"items": '', 'show': False} # _kernel
# {"index": 9, "name": "saveEpoch", "value": 2, "description": '保存模型轮次', "default": 2, "type": "I", 'show': True}]
params_str = json.dumps(params_list)
return params_str
def returnDetectParams():
# nvmlInit()
# gpuDeviceCount = nvmlDeviceGetCount() # 获取Nvidia GPU块数
# _kernel = [f"cuda:{a}" for a in range(gpuDeviceCount)]
params_list = [
{"index": 0, "name": "inputPath", "value": 'E:/aicheck/data_set/11442136178662604800/input/',
"description": '输入图像路径', "default": './app/maskrcnn/datasets/M006B_waibi/JPEGImages', "type": "S",
'show': False},
{"index": 1, "name": "outputPath", "value": 'E:/aicheck/data_set/11442136178662604800/val_results/',
"description": '输出结果路径',
"default": './app/maskrcnn/datasets/M006B_waibi/res', "type": "S", 'show': False},
{"index": 0, "name": "modPath", "value": "E:/alg_demo-master/alg_demo/app/yolov5/圆孔_123_RODY_1_640.pt",
"description": '模型路径', "default": "./app/maskrcnn/saved_model/test.pt", "type": "S", 'show': False},
{"index": 3, "name": "device", "value": "0", "description": '推理核', "default": "cpu", "type": "S",
'show': False},
# {"index": 9, "name": "saveEpoch", "value": 2, "description": '保存模型轮次', "default": 2, "type": "I", 'show': True}]
params_str = json.dumps(params_list)
return params_str
def returnDownloadParams():
params_list = [
{"index": 0, "name": "exp_inputPath", "value": 'E:/alg_demo-master/alg_demo/app/yolov5/圆孔_123_RODY_1_640.pt',
"description": '转化模型输入路径',
"default": '/mnt/sdc/IntelligentizeAI/IntelligentizeAI/data_set/weights/new磁环检测test_183504733393264640_R-DDM_11.pt/',
"type": "S", 'show': False},
{"index": 1, "name": "device", "value": 'gpu', "description": 'CPU或GPU', "default": 'gpu', "type": "S",
'show': False}
params_str = json.dumps(params_list)
return params_str
if __name__ == '__main__':
par = returnDownloadParams()